Yogea Mudra and Breathing practice to resolve relationships: Loving Tandem


This Yogea mudra, breathing & meditation practice is derived from the whirling Derwish meditation that guides us into bridging the personal and the universal when tackling self-identity and relationship issues. The practice centers around the way we relate to ourselves, spinning us into a whole new orbit of our relationships with others. Inner scooping of energy resources is balanced by an outpour of love to contain us in our heart center. The Sufi hand placement of sustaining Earth and Sky is augmented by Vedic “Ida & Pingala” (the masculine and feminine energetic pathways in the subtle body) mudra variations to further balance the dynamic of our relationship with ourselves, others, nature and life. The meditation anchors us into a place of self-love so we can truly experience devotion to others. The practice is a celebration of human compatibility as an integral part of the web of creation and manifestation.

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