Yogea Meditation: Purify&Connect


This purifying Yogea breathing and meditation is intended to activate the mechanisms of emotional release and recharge. Hand seals (mudras) are used to catalyze emotional disentanglement and generate a need for forgiveness and letting go. As “pranayama” alternates with “Qi-Gong” breathing practices the flow of internal energy begins to build a resonance shield of outer protection. We become both reflectors and manifestors of our reality and our lower and higher energetic centers unite at the center of the solar plexus. Personal identity is being revealed, as a deep cleansing meditation ensues. The challenge is to be grounded and yet flexible while yielding to the natural flow. The focus is on anchoring while contemplating impermanence and tangibility through the paradox of the waterfall. The effect is releasing of the old patterns and re-aligning to the renaissance frequencies of transformation and rebirth. The outcome is a new you.

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