Yogea Detoxifying Breathing: Swirl & Flush

This Yogea healthy mix of detoxifying breathing techniques integrates cleansing practices from Indian “Kriya Yoga”, “Laya Yoga” and Chinese Qi-Gong. Deep diaphragmatic breathing alternates with pumping Kappalabhati (shining skull) breath to create more white blood cells and promote the oxygen flow to the brain – helping the body absorb vitamins and nutrients more efficiently. Further, sharp and brisk detox twists of the liver, spleen and kidneys help flush the toxins away from the body and de-stress the mind. Moreover, deep tapping pairs up with rhythmic breathing to boost the vital functions of organs and expand the diaphragm muscle, which expands the lung’s air pockets, invoking a relaxation response within the body, and massaging the lymphatic system. Finally oceanic breathing opens up the meridians as the increased blood flow carries nutrients and ample amounts of oxygen to the body, while the lymphatic system flushes away destructive toxins. A brief purifying meditation takes you into a healthy mind set and clears away your aura to a radiant glow.

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