Yogea Candle Meditation: Soft Focus


This trataka-inspired Yogea candle meditation increases attentiveness and the ability to attain a “soft focus” and a sense of mindfulness through your life. Just like any meditation and concentration practice it steadies the wondering mind. The technique can be applied as a mental hygiene tool or target an object of particular importance. In the process of drawing the object of perception closer you merge with your point of inquiry and receive immediate insight or direct guidance. The practice and experience varies. Often the senses are withdrawn but also activated internally, and as a result colors and images could flood the third eye, a possible ringing in the ears could appear, or even virtual fragrance could waft through the space. The key is to invite any emotion, idea, image or inspiration that wells up in the moment of reflection. Eventually the sense of self and other dissolves and one feels an expansion of personal space, unleashed creative awareness and feeling of serenity and peace. As you increase concentration you hone the faculty of the mind to project clear intentions and eventually bring your heartfelt desires to fruition. The technique is also suitable for emptying the mind and shedding old patterns of thought and living. As you tune to the element of fire you tune to the Earthly vortex and invite the power of transformation to clear past impurities and pave your way to a happy and meaningful life. Daily candle trataka meditation strengthens the eye muscles and promotes healthy eye-sight and clear vision. The technique could culminate into a prayer of gratitude and planetary healing.

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