Yogea Breathing: Creative Serpent (variation of alternate nostril breathing)

The creative intro to alternate nostril breathing activates the DNA codes in the body and focuses on releasing mental, emotional and psycho-somatic debris from unresolved fears, attachments and doubts. As you focus on the ascending and descending spirals coiling around the vertebral column you are asked to surrender any clinging to the past while balancing the right and left side of the brain and revitalizing the entire body. This breathing improves brain function and enhances concentration, leading to mental clarity and creative insight. It also cleanses the respiratory organs, as it removes stale air from the bottom of the lungs. Because it switches the body to a relaxation response it calms the agitated mind and promotes a balanced emotional state. The “fight or flight” tendency of the body is tamed as this practice improves sleep and sooths the nervous system. It regulates the cooling and warming cycles of the body by oxygenating the blood while promoting even blood flow to all organs to prevent sluggishness. While enhancing rest and relaxation Alternate Nostril Breathing is a great precursor to meditation and divination.

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