Retrieving is gaining possession of your health. It is an act of reconnecting to your self, your desires, your needs… It is your “Me time,” when you don’t have to keep track of the time, but make a commitment to practice. And the practice will take you where you need to be. It is time to bend over, to bow, to sink your mind into your heart.
Whenever I feel frazzled by the everyday “musts,” I go for a forward-bending routine. I rest the brain, while soothing the body. This introspective mood gets me centered in, and out of the usual loop. I take my time through every pose as I focus on the breathing. My brain stops processing information and starts to sponge in the energies of deep release and letting go. I am not a quitter. So I don’t like the notion of “giving up” on things. But lately I have discovered the magic of “giving in.”
I always love the letting go aspect of yoga. It is trifold. Like the trident of Vishnu, Brahma and Shiva it doesn’t get me into a mood of giving up on things. It takes me into the adventure of releasing, preserving and creating anew. It teaches me to “give in” and let myself be held by the moment. The moment when I feel present, when I feel alive and nurtured. It is a fleeting moment, and it perishes in a split second. But my forward-bending practice stretches the time between my heart, and my intention, and provides solace and reconciliation with my critical mind.
Lately, I have been focusing not so much on letting go and surrendering, but on giving in. Giving myself into the practice, giving myself the time and space to journal and think. Giving myself to my friends and all the souls that I want to be happy. Giving in to my needs, and indulging in my favorite activities. The more I have given in on things, lately, the more I have given up the notion of having to go by the book. This quantum leap sparked an inner awakening that has channeled my wild creativity in a calm and down-to-earth “presencing.”
I like to call this state of withdrawal “presencing.” When I am there all my fears dissipate, all my woes fade away, all my wants taper down. All I feel is a deep connection with my core self. The busyness, the buzz and the chatter come to rest. It is an exhilarating state of embodiment when everything matters, and yet nothing matters.
I suddenly realize that nothing is really wrong. It is just part of the learning curve that we all go through. Getting in tune with what each stage entails and being able to read the signs on the path is everything. One thing leads to the other, and you end up re-writing your own personal narrative, seeking solutions from your deepest, unadulterated self. It is a process of retrieval. You get back what inherently belongs to you. You don’t need the outer distractions because you have reclaimed yourself, retrieved your soul.
The ancient Indians have a beautiful ceremony of relinquishing past stuff before retrieving the soul. What do you need to let go of, and what do you want to retrieve? Let the answer arise from this sequence. Namaste!
Forward-bending Yoga Routine: Retrieve (open level)
This forward-bending yoga routine elicits a deep state of inner peace and harmony as it takes you on a journey to reclaim yourself.
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