Pump Right

I designed this breathing practice about a year ago for a friend suffering from a severe respiratory disorder. Who knew back then that enhancing our lung capacity would become our number one priority in 2020?

With the COVID-19 pandemic raging like wild fire across the globe, we need good functional lungs and proper respiration more than ever. As a matter of fact, this treacherous virus kills by ravaging the lungs. What we need to do is learn to employ our diaphragm fully.

Think of the diaphragm as a tiny parachute that floats up as we exhale, and sinks down as we inhale. We pump in oxygen, and pump out carbon dioxide. Just like good plants. Because the diaphragm is an involuntary muscle, we cannot actively engage it, unless we help it relearn to expand wider and contract deeper. If we get that “inner parachute” right, our breathing will get much fuller, and our lungs more expansive.

My good old friend had his parachute flying wrong. His issue was that he retained too much carbon dioxide and had formed dead air pockets in the lungs, which had led to a strained voice, constricted breathing, fatigue, digestive problems, and more seriously a severe pulmonary disorder. An athlete for most of his life, his lungs had gotten so sluggish that he couldn’t even walk half a block without experiencing shortness of breath.

This conscious breathing actually reversed this vicious cycle. The focus was on expanding the lungs through retention and expelling the dead air for proper oxygenation. The result – his diaphragm got much stronger and more toned. It would now rise high up in the chest and push on the lungs so they expelled more carbon dioxide, and in turn generated more oxygen. After doing this practice for a week his lungs literally revived. His breath is no longer shallow, but deep and nourishing.

The pranayama practice is now part of his daily regiment. He does it first thing in the morning and then sets off for a mile-long walk, and even does some aquarobics in his pool. He is back to playing tennis with his buddies, and his posture has improved so much that his chronic lower-back pain is almost gone.

The breathing not only toned his lungs and fixed his posture it also bolstered his immunity by helping him release happy hormones in the brain and health hormones in the thymus gland. His lymphatic flow is much better, and his congestive heart disorder has reversed. He is now “pumping right.”

While this breathing will not protect you from getting the COVID-19 virus, or heal you completely if you fall sick, it will enhance your lung capacity and aid in your overall healing. Practice it daily, while keeping your social distance and exercising proper hygiene.

May our conscious breath blow winds of positive change and healing breeze across the globe!

Yoga Breathing to Enhance Lung Capacity: Pump Right

This short yoga breathing routine integrates classical pranayama and simple arm movements to enhance the capacity of the lungs, and improve general respiratory health.

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