Replenish & Charge
Isn’t it hilarious that there is a new age-defying pill out? You didn’t know? Well, check out “Resveratol” – the highest bio-availability supplement in the market. And along with it a whole army of longevity “bioceuticals” that promisingly will flush the system, replenish the cells, regenerate the organs and restore optimal vitality and growth in less than a month. I can’t deny the valuable content of some of these “wonder pills”, but I must admit as an avid supplement user that if I neglect my regular Yoga breathing and asana practice, my religious daily intake of at least 2.5 litres of water and my cleansing fasts I wouldn’t be able to rejuvenate amply.
I believe, rejuvenation should be practiced, not swallowed. Nothing can replace our hearty physical, mental and spiritual involvement in the process of detoxification, purification and re-nourishment with proper diet, herbal infusions and positive awareness. It’s vital to address the issue of restoring one’s youthfulness holistically. Tracking the body’s habitual patterns and clogged energy zones will facilitate the process of optimal flushing and rebalancing. First, we need to identify what our system is suffering from – an overdose of toxins, negative thoughts, metabolic derangement or stress overload. Then, we need to observe how it manifests on the physical level – insomnia, weight-gain, skin rashes, constipation, hair loss, etc. Once we’ve detected the outer symptoms we need to determine the underlying causes – emotional wounds, unprocessed fear, chronic anger, unfiltered suspicion, among others. The next step is to recognize whether these deeply seated limitations are genetic, imposed, acquired or simply karmic and decide on the treatment by setting a daily regimen of physical exercise, breath control, visualizations and revitalizing tips.
In the spiritual medical traditions of yoga Siddha and Ayurveda the ideal treatment for health, vitality, longevity and higher consciousness is known as Kayakalpa. The name is derived from the Sanskrit kaya(body) and kalpa(rejuvenation). An applied alchemy, Kayakalpa frees the vital energy by purifying and nurturing the body, mind and psyche with specific medicinal and physical therapies. In this process, the regenerative powers within are awakened, creating a magnetic and vibrant being whose consciousness is transformed for the fulfillment of their life purpose. While incorporating asana, pranayama (breath extension), tapping, mudra (hand gestures), mantra (divine chants) and kriya (purification techniques) Kayakalpa teaches students how to awaken the life-sustaining mechanism of the body by regulating the metabolism, optimizing fluid content, restoring muscle tone, curbing inflammation, boosting the immunity, repairing cells and soothing the nervous system. In this respect, Kayakalpa is a journey which releases physical and emotional toxins and blocks, at the same time, as it nurtures and revitalizes one’s being in a unique applied alchemy, transforming the intelligence of every cell to refine awareness of the Divine within.
Many people are now opting for a natural way to lose weight, make their skin glow, detoxify their organs and purify their cells. Anything that may lead to a refreshing, rejuvenating, fulfilling feeling can lead to body rejuvenation. This can include anything from a walk with a friend to contributing to your favorite charity. Create your own unique dish of revitalizing tools and replenish your cells with this special “Yogea” rejuvenating sequence – a true oxygen shot. As you become more aware of your internal perceptions and inner guides which harness the mind, body and spirit you will pave your singular way to personal development, physical fitness and spiritual growth.
Yogea Rejuvenating Routine: Replenish and Charge (open level)
This Yogea routine has a special rejuvenating effect on the entire body as it blends asana, pranayama, tapping and rocking exercises. Starting from a stable stance on all fours the sequence tones the core and builds up stability and centeredness by incorporating standing postures with binds to regulate flow, and twists to flush away toxins. Externally rotated postures and hip openers alternate with bound twists and cooling forward bends. Special emphasis is attributed to inversions intermingled with tapping techniques to promote circulation, replenish cells, re-grow tissue, and reverse the process of aging. Level changes, leg shifts and plane switches are conducted in a smooth fashion to give practitioners a sense of reversing gravity and accessing every pose from a different angle. Supine, reclining and inverted variations of key poses are introduced to provide an overall stimulating effect on the entire system. Rejoicing backbends top the sequence to free the individual’s voice and open the portal to one’s vital identity. Special rocking and tapping modes of progressive relaxation end the sequence and invite practitioners to celebrate their awakened selves.
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