Refueling The Heart
In the midst of 2013 sweeping changes are taking place across the globe to accelerate the dissolution of obsolete mental and social constructs and pave the way to a new world order. Large segments of society are progressing steadily into chaos as old systems and ways thinking fail to produce results. The left brain Descartes credo “I think, therefore I am” is now reversing to “I am, therefore I think”. More people fail to abide by old rules and refuse to follow outdated schisms. They boldly swing into rebel mode, seeking alternatives and retrieving archaic memories. Tension that simmered under the surface is now turning into radical action. We are compelled to operate under uncertainty. As change becomes the only constant we feel more inclined to redefine perennial knowledge and reconsider our life mission.
This global recovery of ancient wisdom is causing unprecedented spiritual crisis that brings dramatic ups and downs and results in a widening gap between fear based people and compassion-nurtured individuals. We gradually find ourselves rediscovering our perception as we experience the acceleration or increased vibration of individual and planetary connectivity. We witness everything happening at the same time. This instantaneous activity is giving rise to a new actuality that will eclipse the pain, suffering and density we have always accepted as normal. Every density upsurge is followed by a natural emotional and karmic release. As our minds expand and our life speeds up to align with the rising frequency of our Earth, we naturally expose the vulnerability of our hearts and allow unresolved fears and past traumas to surface up. Our mind reboots to accommodate this shift of consciousness. Our bodies recalibrate to vibrate at this expanded wave length, and our hearts open for refueling and realignment with our Source.
The refueling of the heart entails a life free of any victimhood and open to universal resonance. As we train ourselves to sink the mind into the heart we get in touch with our intuition, arm ourselves with trust and gain clarity in bringing our desires into being. We become passionate about our choices and learn to navigate our life with compassion and tolerance. The link between thoughts and embodied actions becomes seamless as our options increase and everything that was fear-based becomes love-based. What used to be separate convenes and the whole becomes greater than the sum of its parts. We subconsciously relinquish the desire to control everything and embrace compassion as the main evolutionary force.
The fruits of a re-charged heart are sincerity and lucidity – both qualities necessary for anchoring our heart-felt impulse in the present moment. As we refuel the heart, we feed our time famine – we are no longer catching up with linear ticking. To the contrary we are aligned with divine timing. Our sense of longing transforms into a sense of belonging and interdependence with all. We are attuned to the emerging right brain order and free to re-craft out life according to our passions. But most fascinating of all – when we reboot the heart, we rewire the brain to form many new pathways for accessing immediate insight. We not only activate a mystical connection to the ineffable but also catapult our being to a new horizon or visceral comprehension and direct knowledge. It is in that direct connection to higher consciousness that we meet our truest self. The Sufis call it “baraka”, the Hindus “prajna”, the Gnostics “pleroma”, the ancient Egyptians “neteru”, the Zen Buddhists “satori”, the Christians “epiphany”. We call it refueling the heart!
Yogea Creative Visualization: Refueling The Heart
This Yogea creative visualization will teach you to tune the focus in and activate the power of the third eye to travel through images and sensory perceptions in order to live in a heart-centered reality and own your vision. The combination of mudra and raja yoga cultivates a sense of divine timing, an open attitude for acceptance, a retrieved sense of identity and an awakened pursuit for happiness and meaning. Immediate illumination takes place as the heart opens to radiate compassion and the individual becomes centered in a well of abundance and gratitude.
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