Pump Up the Heat
It’s spring again, and as always I am trying to flush away winter toxins, shed off some extra pounds, get some glow. So, I storm the health food stores in search of the newest, fastest and most efficient cleansing program. There’s tons of them – Full Body Cleanse, Detox Magic, Smart Life… Well, everything is smart today… the handfuls of supplements we take , the phones we use, the way we try to live. We got way too smart…Smart to the point that when considering a cleansing program we forget the most vital ingredient – our breath.
Recently, I rediscovered the slimming and detoxifying benefits of yogic breathing – especially the heat generating-one, Kapalabbhati, also known as “Shining Skull Breathing.” It’s the perfect tool that stimulates the digestive fire, and keeps us warm during the weather “mood swings” of spring. It is, indeed, the simplest and smartest way to catalyze the processes of regeneration and detoxification in the body. Coupled with a healthy juice fast or fruit diet, and a comprehensive exercise routine it works wonders, both physically and mentally.
Go for this ancient miracle cleanse, it’s safe, it’s natural, it’s smart. It simply taps the wisdom of the body, reminding us that we are a self-sustaining organism of breath and flow. The self-healing program is already embedded in our cells, we don’t have to look for it on the shelf.
Come join me for a vital cocktail of heating, energizing and rejuvenating breath tonic. I promise, no side effects, all you have to do is just breathe…
Pump Up the Heat – YOGEA Breathing
This blend of heat-generating breathing techniques promotes circulation in the lower abdominal cavity, while aiding detoxification of the body and oxygenation of the brain. By stressing the exhalations and allowing the inhalations to occur naturally we stimulate the center of the navel to harness massive amounts of life force and redistribute it throughout the entire body. As we burn away impurities, we boost the immunity and awaken the natural regeneration mechanism in out body that is unleashed during spring time. The heating effect from the pumping is paired with a ventilation impact derived from the brisk lifting and releasing of the shoulders. As a result, the lung capacity expands and we are able to stimulate the endocrine system and promote glandular secretion. The revitalizing effect of this breathing routine enhances the natural glow, strengthens our electro-magnetic sheath and serves as an agent of protection, cleansing and inner peace. At the end we feel our natural radiance emanating from the crown of our head, wrapping us in an armor of light, joy and contentment.
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