Shoulder Openers, Core Strengthener, Forward Bend (Pose-counter pose flow sequence)

Welcome to the Pose-counter Pose sequence of Yogea Asana Lab. This section will feature four poses that usually can be sequenced in a pose-counter pose flow sequence. It consists of Table Top (Purvotanasana); Table Top variation (Purvotanasana II); Staff Arm balance (Lalasana III) and full Forward Bend (Pashimottanasana).

The first pose is a shoulder and chest opener that invigorates the whole body, and rejuvenates the spirit. It is best assumed when the finger tips point to the heels, when the pelvis lifts up and the head naturally floats down while the head serves as an extension of the torso. The pose pens the shoulder and pelvic girdles simultaneously and is accessible for the all levels.

The second pose naturally builds on the first, but is best assumed from Dandasana (staff pose, when the chest lifts from the pelvis again, while the legs stay straight and the feet plant in the floor. It is a challenging heart opener, which requires active retraction of the shoulders and releasing of the trapezius muscles. The hardest part is to get an even arch through the middle while pressing evenly through the four corners of the feet. The pose has an uplifting and strengthening effect on the body.

The third pose starts from staff pose and requires a strong abdominal lift to float the legs us to a horizontal plan, while keeping the spine as straight as possible. It is very challenging as it demands perfect timing of the core lift and arm strength. It is important to suck the pelvis into the core while lifting the legs and flexing the feet. The pose strengthens the core, tones the arms and builds balance in a state of flight. It is a great preparation for jump-through variations and more advanced transitions.
The fourth pose naturally ends the sequence and takes you into a deep hamstring stretch. It starts from staff pose again, and requires equal engaging of both legs and lengthening of the lower back to facilitate a hinge in the hips and allow for an abundant forward fold. It calms the mind, cools the body’s temperature, sooths the hamstrings and calves and elicits the parasympathetic nervous system response, quieting the mind and soothing the whole body.

This shoulder opening, core, strengthening and forward bending sequence is based on a pose-counter-pose principle and flows naturally taking you through a state of openness and centering, through a state of balance and strength, to a state of introspection and surrender.
Yogea Asana Lab is not a yoga routine and should be regarded solely as an educational platform to reinforce proper postural alignment and improve the quality of your practice. The approach is integrated as poses are grouped into different targeted categories. Each set of poses is demonstrated only on one side. The route of assuming poses and releasing through counter-poses is mapped clearly and slowly, allowing time for assimilation and grasping. The main objective is to guide you in and out of poses safely and smoothly, as well as to acquaint you with basic anatomical and energetic principles that weave the geometry of every asana. In turn, you will be able to perform the Yogea routines with clarity, precision and abandonment. As you follow the tips of proper alignment you will feel more stable, ready to deepen your practice and eager to transition gracefully from one stage to the next both on the mat and in life.

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