Maternity Circle
In the Hindu tradition Shakti is the primordial cosmic energy that yields creative power. On the earthly plane Shakti manifests through female embodiment, creativity and fertility. Though, it’s also present in males in its potential unmanifest form. It is not only responsible for creation, but it is also the agent of all change. Rejoicing my first pregnancy in this spirit of an embodied Shakti has been the most life-altering experience of my life. I felt elation and discomfort, aversion and surrender, sheer joy and confusion, fear and trust – all these emotions co-existing and complementing each other to attribute to the plentitude of being alive. It is an indescribable sensation different for all moms-to-be, but always potent and cathartic.Coping with the ups and downs of pregnancy with appreciation and devotion helped me put the ego aside and intuit into the body’s wisdom. I have naturally shifted to a more harmonious and gentle yoga routine, couple with swimming and Tai-chi. Ever since I entered the second trimester I feel tempted to create innovative and safe “shakti” poses on the mat, and I although I try to stick to the recommended poses for every trimester, I feel there is a nice mix of hip openers, strengthening and relaxing poses that you can enjoy at every stage of your pregnancy.
Besides practicing for myself every day, I have guided a dozen of “prego” moms in the last couple of months with different requests, and at different stages of fetal development. These adventurous, but nonetheless safe sessions integrating asana, meditation, visualization and mudra practice, led to the creation of a universal prenatal Yoga routine that addresses the needs of cellular development, proper functioning of organs, harmonious development of digestive, respiratory, circulatory, lymphatic and endocrine systems and leads to full sensory acuity and healthy locomotive response. It both strengthens and sooths tightness, while emphasizing the power of descending breathing, and is the low-impact exercise option, especially for moms who are reluctant to haul baby and belly onto the treadmill. It is that breathing into the Shakti source that will slow the heart rate, clear the mind and relax the body, and assist you to a cathartic labor and a healthy delivery. Even more, you won’t suffer from the fits and pangs of post-partum as you will be able to recover immediately.
As we engaged into our Shakti circle we shared the marvelous benefits of prenatal yoga. We developed stamina and strength by stretching and strengthening the hips, back, arms and shoulders we needed more energy and strength to carry the weight of our growing babies. We worked on our balance that was physically challenged as the fetus grew. Emotionally we were drained due to the increases in progesterone and estrogen. We tried to focus on holding and breathing through each yoga pose augmenting it with exciting binds and mudras as we fine-tuned our balance, physically and emotionally.
Because of the increased stress on specific muscle groups we all experienced lower back pain, so we eased the lower back curve and alleviated tightness in the hips and tension in the chest, neck and shoulders – promoting suppleness and rinsing off tension. Through deep abdominal breathing we elicited the relaxation nervous system response and we relieved heart burn, and insomnia and boosted our immunity. We prepared for labor and discovered myriads of creative ways of being comfortable with the uncomfortable as we learned to let go and allow. We elongated our muscles – enhancing circulation, decreasing any swelling, stimulating the immunity and circulating a healthy environment for a thriving baby. Our sense of community allowed us to nurture time, slow from our busy days and set an intention of seeding new life for the well-being of all
Our creative circle of prenatal Shaktis allowed us to make smart lifestyle choices in terms of nutrition, exercise and mindset while connecting with our kin through meditation, breath and touch of belly, setting aside the ego and practicing loving compassion for ourselves and our growing babies. We laughed and cried, shared our fears and joys and explored our boundless potential to create and nurture.
These sessions felt like walking a maze, sometimes going two steps back to reconsider before we marched on, and other times pausing to reflect on our choices and anticipate new life. It felt like the labyrinth I walked to the Mother Divine a week ago, cherishing every step as a journey in itself, unconcerned about the outcome, as the outcome was birthing a healthy and luminous soul. Each soul that we carried was part of an unbroken circle of light bearers who would shine as beacons of brilliance and contribute to the loving kindness on Earth.
This Yogea routine is especially designed for all stages of pregnancy as it integrates poses to open the hips; strengthen the legs to better carry your upper body; gain flexibility to your perineum; loosen the back pains; help with sciatica; relax the nervous system; strengthen the immune system; help you keep balance as your gravity center shifts; give you daily tips such as getting up and lying down; bond with your baby in-utero.
Special diaphragmatic and lower abdominal breathing practices usher you into a space of expanded awareness from where you can connect to your baby’s growing needs and prepare for its arrival. The poses integrate repetitive motion through guided breathing to facilitate more space in the lower abdomen and allow you to work with gravity. Side lunges coupled with forward bends open up the hips safely, lengthen the lower back and elicit the relaxation response. Standing poses alternate with safe shoulder binds and arm stretchers as you naturally attain strength and flexibility. Standing forward bends pair with deep open squats to prepare the pelvic bowl for pushing. Seated hip openers combine with soothing binds to ensure a strong anchored based. Semi-reclining goddess poses carefully enriched with heart-openers prepare you for the descending labor thrusts. Finally, a soothing and propped relaxation connects you to your whirlpool of creativity and weds you and baby in a cradle of love and light.
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