Gift of Life (mudra and meditation for the first trimester)
I was still reluctant to get a sonogram, but decided to make an appointment and ran some blood tests. It took a while until the sonogram actually took place. I was not surprised when the gynecologist heard a healthy heart beat and detected a placenta sac that housed my gestating baby. So the meditation test was infallible, and the 99 % accuracy of the pregnancy test proved inaccurate. Between the false pregnancy tests and the hurdle of scheduling a sonogram I was already 10 weeks in. I was a little disappointed that I had not fully trusted my meditation experience and prepared better for this crucial first trimester. But I quickly resorted to prenatal yoga, nutrition and took some wholesome supplements so support healthy fetus growth.
Interestingly, the most fascinating changes occurred during meditation. I could actually scan the fetus with my inner eye and hear its pressing needs. I heard what foods he preferred, what music he loved, what books he was eager to read. So I followed the embryo’s counsel and started off a beautiful dialogue with my baby. I began to send golden yellow light, positive thoughts and affirmations. I told the little soul about the exciting time he was going to experience when he was born. I knew the baby was already alive, although still gestating in the uterus, so I gave him the love and respect he would normally get after birth.
Life begins from the moment of conception, and even earlier when the soul chooses its parents and hovers over their home consciously anticipating the magical moment of union when he will have the chance to come through. I could not feel this moment for my kid, but I sure felt his presence as soon as he had landed in his embryonic abode. My meditation practice deepened even more while being pregnant and traveled higher realms, connected to the spirit that was dwelling within consciously and felt always guarded and guided into my right choices. I dedicated time and energy in transferring all the positive thoughts, love and appreciation to my baby and I gave and received wisdom and joy.
The benefits of meditation for pregnancy are undisputed. Emotionally and biologically the mom passes all the signals, nutrients and vibrations to through the bloodstream. A daily yoga and meditation practice during pregnancy is likely to improve birth weight, reduce premature births, and lessen overall medical complications for newborns. In fact, meditation is a safe way to ease out anxiety and restore the normal functioning of the immune system, while increasing pain tolerance by making stress hormones plummet. It also helps the body produce endorphins, which go beyond relieving pain to enhancing pleasure. Endorphins have a powerful pain-relieving and pleasure-enhancing effect. As pain increases during labor, endorphins also increase to help mediate the pain.
The more a woman meditates during pregnancy the higher her endorphin level will be during delivery. In addition, meditation raises the life-enhancing hormone DHEA that again enhances the immune system, improves mood, balances the brain chemistry, benefits the vision, hearing, muscles and bones and regulates blood pressure. Moreover, meditation increases the production of melatonin and helps baby grow calmer and happier. As a result, the heart rate is nicely regulated and the blood pressure becomes text book perfect. Most notably, meditation can reduce the need for surgery, drugs, and anesthesia during delivery. This is because mothers feel more connected to their babies and they align their mutual intentions to support and co-create the birth together. Mom’s and baby’s health and strength is optimized and the Zen aura of serenity and mutuality radiates positive vibes to everyone in the family.
My meditation practice has blessed my pregnancy with so much creativity and has taught me to tap the creative force of nature and honor the birthing process on Earth and across the Universe. It has helped me love my pregnant and plumb body image, making me feel like a Neolithic Goddess of fecundity. After meditation I feel an increased vitality and energy flowing within and without. I have intuitively integrated some powerful “mudra” and “mantra” in the meditation practice. The sacred hand positions have helped me conserve and spread energy throughout the nerve channels and brought so much harmony to my body, and revelations to my mind. The primordial vibrations reverberating from the beginning of creation have transmuted me into divine chalice of fertility and procreation. I feel whole, abundant and worthy of birthing a healthy and beautiful child. I feel ready of whispering the visions I saw during meditation to his ear, of teaching my baby everything I know and learning from him in return. I feel ready for this cosmic school of life.
Thanks for your insightful posts about pregnancy, as well as the practice videos. I’m in my second trimester; your words and videos have been very inspiring.
Much gratitude.
Has anyone here seen the finders course videos on you tube? I don’t have the link so just search for it. They claim to be an experiment where people are getting awakened/enlightened/nondual in 2-15 weeks! Sounds crazy to me but it looks like it is based on serious research. What do you think?