Empower Yourself
It is fascinating when we think that the Earth’s axial tilt is directly related to the seasons. Without that tilt we would not have daylight hours and seasons because the magnetic poles would unify. In a way, the Earth is not a fixed planet, but an adaptable organism, stable in its flux. This realization always makes me reconsider stability as a constant negotiation of poles, as an attunement to the Earthly cycles of transformation and change. Autumn is perhaps the most transformational of all seasons. Associated with harvest time it calls us to rejoice the fecundity of summer and welcome the incubation of winter. It invites us to optimism that nothing comes fast, since each happening has its own cycle. It guides us in keeping our trust and perseverance.
Crops are not impulsive, not an overnight process and success. Usually a period of time must pass before one can count the blessings and gifts of the harvest. Autumn denotes that the individual has symbolically gone through the entire sevenfold process of growth: from sowing to germination; from sprouting to proliferation, from budding to flowering and ultimately fruition. In fact, we all evolve and revolve around these natural stages of nurturing and unfurling, and it is up to us to reap the fertile soil of fall as we plant clear intentions through winter. The meditation here is very simple. You reap what you sow. Persistence and foresight must be used as we shed the old shell, and re-craft our life according to our true desire. With its colorful palette, and enchanting fragrance, introspective mood and poetic imagery autumn always inspires the artist within, challenging individuals to create and re-invent themselves anew.
As we watch leaves fluttering to the ground, we are reminded that nature’s cycles are mirrored in our lives. Fall is also a time of letting go and releasing things that have been a burden. We relinquish the past and acknowledge impermanence and begin to seek stability while honoring the fleeting nature of things. The oxymoron of “stable transience” becomes our spring-board for spiritual cleansing and de-cluttering. Yogis honor autumn as a time for purification practices, as a moment for profound transformation and emotional availability. Accessing the most vulnerable and shaky aspects of our being we gain “flexible resilience” and “soft power.” This gentle strength that comes from wedding opposite poles, from cultivating stamina and suppleness, nurturing force and grace, is always the most formidable attribute to keep grounded and empower ourselves. Maintaining our strong core and steady grip on the Earth we are ready to tilt our axis, and welcome the seasonal changes as an opportunity to “fly.”
Yogea Stamina Routine – Empower Yourself
This Yogea sequence targets the core, with an emphasis on building abdominal strength and training the body to utilize the principles of oppositional pull while obtaining alignment and stability. Through specific belly toners, hamstring calves openers the front body is encouraged to move into the rear body, so that correct postural alignment can inform the deeper stretches of the ball, socket and hinge joints. Various invigorating standing poses that build stamina and balance are intermingled with side bends and cleansing twists to ensure deep detoxification of the intestinal tract and promote oxygenation of the brain. The body’s metabolism is stimulated as the natural ability for weight loss is regenerated. Powerful breathing tools are introduced in the process of the practice to enhance the body’s ability for resilience and strength. The vital center of the body is catalyzed and as a result the defense mechanisms are boosted to fight bacterial and virus infections during the fall. Blood circulation in the extremities is enhanced as the legs and arms are gently stretched and toned. The principles of energetic alignment are heeded as practitioners are taught to yield and lift, reach and root, radiate and support. A purifying “fire breath” crowns the sequence to facilitate a total detox and release, and allow the individual to receive the healing nutrients from the soil during fall.
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