Earth Resonance

Dedicated to International Earth Day
One of the most intriguing questions that I have ever formulated in my life came spontaneously when I was down with a bad flu in kinder garden. The teacher was trying to explain the elusive concept of God. I was coughing and sneezing badly, but very curious to know: “If God sneezes, would the Universe catch cold?” She was puzzled, but tried to assure me that God doesn’t get sick because he has to watch over all of us. I didn’t quite buy this, but years later, at High School during a class in Ecology I came across the catch phrase “The Butterfly effect.” 
The idea was that if a butterfly chances to flap his wings in Beijing in March, by August, hurricane patterns in the Atlantic will be completely different. The scientific theory that a single occurrence, no matter how small, can change the course of the universe forever was in fact at the heart of my kindergarten epiphany. This was one of the most beguiling and evocative notions ever to leap from the lab into popular culture. Translated into mass culture, the butterfly effect has become a metaphor for the existence of seemingly insignificant moments that alter history and shape destinies. Typically unrecognized at first, they create threads of cause and effect that appear obvious in retrospect, changing the course of a human life or rippling through the global economy.
The flap of the butterfly’s wing reminds us that every thought, action or intention ever projected in space triggers a whole chain-reaction of events that reverberate worldwide. It shapes our collective spirit and urges us to honor the interdependence, the diversity that constitutes our unity as complimentary species co-existing on Earth. Earth is our bountiful home, our fertile ground in which all the works of humanity and nature are lovingly tended preserved, enhanced and consciously evolved. It nourishes and nurtures us amply and only asks of us in return for its support and availability of ecospheres that we not overuse its resources.
Today going green is no longer a headline, but part of our conscious choices. We are turning off the lights, taking shorter showers. From reusable grocery bags to hybrid cars, we’re making changes. But to heal the planet we need to do more than recycle – we need to heal our relationship with the Earth. As we connect to the soul of the natural world we can begin to help the planet show us what needs to be done. Nature follows an organic pattern of vibratory coherence. As we tune to this natural order, we intuitively tap our body’s wisdom and self-sustaining mechanism.
Recognizing the entire human race as a holistic unit that thrives on its mutuality links our hearts and minds in unison; synchronizing in harmony and balance. Then our blind ambitions to succeed at all costs, even to the detriment of the environment and our fellow beings fade away. Yet, our tendency to exploit countries and natural resources for financial and political gains is unforgivable. How can we as humans exploit each other, how can entire countries spin into chaos? Unless we can find a balance between materialism and spirituality, we are doomed to be victims of our own destiny.  As we make our choices in the expansive context of a universe of countless interdependent life-forms, we realize that everyone should assume a share of ecological responsibility.
It is so reassuring to see our ecological sanity soar on international Earth Day as we honour Gaia and the interdependence of all her creatures with a Global Meditation for Healing. Such a special moment when the love and reverence generated from the group energy radiates toward the center of the Earth, and then bounces back into the physical realm, purifying the atmosphere, and raising our individual frequency. These waves of elevated consciousness reverberate through the four corners of the Earth, and facilitate a quantum leap in the ecology of our being. The realization, that one person can make a difference, as we unite in our common passions to protect the Earth and her inhabitants is the first step. All that we say, think and do is reflected in ourselves, and in the world around us. And indeed, if we “sneeze the whole Universe will catch a cold”! If we love, the web of life will love us back! It’s the fault of “natural magnetism”…  
Let us join hearts in meditation – from the rain forest to the desert; from the mountains, to the rivers and oceans, the cities and the countryside, people everywhere united as one, with a common goal. Protect and care for Earth and all her inhabitants.
Yogea grounding meditation: Earth Resonance

This grounding Yogea meditation will allow you to anchor in your divine embodiment, as you cherish the bounty of the Earth and the unique contribution of every fellow being to the world. A vivid creative visualization leads you to the center of the Earth, where you re-discover your creative resources and the need to honor the sanctity of all life. Inspirational messages coupled with gratitude affirmations will lead you to appreciate every form of creation that feeds on love and calls for mutual sustenance. As you reclaim your individual role to serve the greater whole, you will be able to reconnect with nature and savor yourself as a beautiful expression of interrelated creation. You will feel the joy and love streaming through your heart center, as a recognition of oneness and peace.          

2 Responses to “Earth Resonance”

  1. Virtual Dreamer April 29, 2014 at 2:02 am #

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Virtual Dreamer April 29, 2014 at 2:04 am #

    Hi. We have something in common. The YtLifeChannel has copied both our youtube channels and re-uploaded our videos. I have begun submitting copyright complaints against them. I would suggest you do the same. Here is one of your videos on their channel

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