
When I think of “convergence” I always picture how the lines of longitude are parallel to the equator but converge toward the poles. This is the point when the apparent and the actual meet in a powerful handshake.

When we say “things are not what they appear to be” we mean that our perception and the way things actually are does not line up. We know that our perception creates reality. We have been told over and over that: “seeing is believing”. But all these have become New Age crutch words that don’t mean anything. We only know for sure, that when our vision for the world aligns with our higher purpose things begin to come to us and life has our back.

Living in that state of flow, when things unfold naturally is a true blessing. We magnetize our desires, we meet the right people and attract those circumstances and opportunities that help us grow. This is when our inner witness and most authentic self meet. The inner and the outer, the background and the foreground always converge when we are in balance with ourselves and all of creation.

The background is all of our latent resources, whether subconscious or consciously acquired. The foreground is what we project and how we appear to be. It is our interface – a product of our intrinsic nature and adopted attitudes.

My yoga practice has always brought that sense of center and inner harmony, but it has been the breathing exercises in particular that have made me attuned to Spirit.

This balancing breathing not only bridges the right and the left brain, making us equally intuitive and rational, but it also connects the higher and the lower brain – the instinctual and the conscious. So we are higher wisdom and gut, powered by intuition and reason. Abiding on all four planes simultaneously brings meaning to all our actions and immediate decisions.

It is so reassuring to know that the answer to a question or the solution to a problem boils down to observing your breath and inviting the inner witness to spark the dialogue with the self. All yogic breathing is in fact very harmonizing, but this one in particular is geared towards igniting the self-regulatory mechanism in the body by linking the etheric nerve tubes than channel energy through conscious breath.

It helps cross the meridians to balance the vital energy flow, while providing a grounding and sparking insight. Only then, our inner reality informs our outer expression. Then the higher and lower, the right and the left, the front and the rear converge so we can meet our best version of our selves.

Balancing Breathing: Converge

This soothing breathing practice is geared towards pacifying the nervous system and balancing the etheric nerve channels that run through the periphery of the body. Redirecting the focus from the inside out, we can live from a place of personal integrity and inner joy.

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