Chi Shower

You’re drained? No, red bull won’t do it. Forget about it. It’ll keep you awake for hours, sending false signals to the brain to switch to high gear, and eventually wear you out – sucking every drop of energy out of your system. The secret to invigorating the body lies in finding the right balance of proper exercise, raw nutrition, healthy sleep and an open and curious mindset.  When you think of the physical body as a condensation of energy you suddenly realize that you do not need to pump energy in, but rather to harness it from within – by opening up the subtle nerve channels through which the life force passes, and from without – by nourishing it with live foods, mindful rest, proper breathing, and any type of somatic practice, be it Yoga, Tai-chi, Pilates, Feldenkrais, Kinetic meditation, among others.
The culprits of poor energy distribution in the body depend on a host of factors, like chemical imbalance, temperature inversions, seasonal changes, latent physical or mental blockages, poor work habits, disturbed sleeping patterns and mostly stress. Constant worry and anxiety are the ultimate energy zappers. Not to mention our modern hectic life style of multi-tasking, and trying to juggle everything from exercise to work to outings to entertainment in one single day.  The info cloud, too, pours down like torrential rain. We are hooked to a feast of electronic gadgetry for most of the day, whether iphone, pc, ipod, ipad, car, T.V. etc; busy texting, phoning, updating our FB status, disconnected from nature – an over-wired mess. And to compensate we resort to morning workouts and jogs at 5 a.m. We take zillions of vitamins, supplements, energy drinks and oxygen shots to rev up the energy level, often forgetting that the best way to recharge is to adjust our lifestyle to Earth Frequency.
Every particle in space vibrates at a wave length to constitute an individual frequency, as an extension of the universal vortex. Each frequency indicates the level of ascension in the evolutionary curve. When the spiral flow is blocked by external influences you can no longer experience the life that surrounds you from everywhere. Your energy level drops and you can no longer ride on the current of life force, you can no longer tap the unified field of consciousness. 
And it is this unified field that makes all ideas, resources and realities available and possible.  You feel blocked and unable to see that everything is mutually inclusive and supportive. You simply cannot embody your truth at a higher frequency. Your intentions fail to fertilize, and your life is at a halt. When this happens, you feel awfully stuck and unable to put things into perspective. This is when the energy drinks, nourishing foods and vitamin boosts come handy. But the real effect kicks in when you engage into the practice of harnessing energy by purifying the body, clearing the mind and opening the heart in gratitude and receptivity.
In fact, my ultimate energy shot is “gratitude in motion” – a healthy mix of Yoga, Qi-Gong, breathing, tapping, prayer and affirmation. For the past 20 years I’ve tried to help others replenish and heal, so I have worked out a simple regimen that jumpstarts your body and set it back into a productive groove. It pairs targeted core work with emotional release techniques, such as tapping and power breathing, and introduces momentum driven repetition or cradling into the asana practice. This method helps you cue the breath to the movement, and frees up the joints to facilitate a sense of looseness and grounding, of abandon and control. This in turn opens up the whole body to receive and channel “chi” – the energy that pervades all.
The concept of cultivating this vital power goes back to the ancient yogis, shamans, sages and qi-gong masters who have given us the key to harnessing our latent energy by communing to the Earth in a practice of “devotion in motion”. These seers have lived a simple life of attuning with nature and the divine. They have walked the maze in gratitude; they have practiced sitting in silence; they have lived up to their life purpose by serving others. They have enjoyed asana and meditation in nature, they have eaten more foods that grow on trees and plants.
Today we eat foods manufactured in plants, we’re too busy to practice, we have no time to sleep or dream, and we have given up on doing the “one thing” that we’ve always wanted to do just because it doesn’t pay of. We’re fueled by self-interest and forget to engage in daily random acts of kindness – all that sapping our energy, and disengaging us from the magical occurrences in life.  As we clear the clutter from our mind, from our homes, as we get outside and engage in tasks that are devotional, and do not require constant analysis. As we master the power nap, and we no longer waste our precious energy on gossip, energy vampires, issues of the past, negative thoughts and things we cannot control, we open the pathways of the body to channel “Chi”. As we laugh more, and watch our diet, scent ourselves awake with essential oils like peppermint and rosemary. As we say a prayer of gratitude every night before going to bed, we suddenly realize that we are “too blessed to be stressed”. Then every encounter with our selves and others, every moment we connect to nature, every time we commit to our practice and emit a positive thought, we generate Chi through our bodies and we shower it upon the Earth. Energizing our selves becomes an act of gracing our planet.   


Energizing Yogea Routine: Splash of Synergy    

This fast-paced Yogea practice combines asana, dynamic tapping and invigorating breath-work to boost the body’s vitality and jumpstart all systems. Dynamic asanas are repeated in a Kundalini style flow to activate the chakras and refurbish the main wells of energy – the perineum, the solar plexus and the throat. Repetitive moves based on the principle “bound and rebound”, on “suspension and control” alternate with moments of stillness and rondo motion to create a sense of riding momentum and expanding through the cells. Chest and hip openers couple with core zippers and inversions to bring a joyful and refreshing taste.      

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