Chakra Rinse

I had been battling with acute hip pain for months, when a dear friend of mine suggested I do the chakra rinse and get to the bottom of things. Prior to that, I paid weekly visits to the orthopedist, who painted a rather grim picture – the only resort being hip replacement. Until then – the ultimate suppressants like Motrin, Tylenol, Advil, to name just a few. Instead, I began a cycle of trauma-clearing homeopathy, coupled with herbs for healthy joints, acupuncture and restorative yoga. But what really cut it for me, was the five minute chakra rinse that diminished my hip pain by the day, until it finally subsided. I had been doing seed chakra chanting, mudra and rainbow color meditation every day for the past 20 years, but never before had I mentally soaked an rinsed the chakras in cold water. It felt like doing laundry with each energy center that is situated near the body’s life-sustaining glands and organs. What I basically did was to clear away the stagnant energy in the hip area by releasing the unresolved emotions that had nestled there for years. And it worked! After three months of daily chakra rinse the hips restored their buoyancy and usual mobility. The hips were not the only ones that benefited. My whole body radiated a healthy and serene glow. 

Basically, our chakras act like “spiritual batteries.” They distribute energy evenly throughout the body, cleansing, revitalizing and nourishing the organs. Keeping our chakras balanced, cleared and cleansed will ensure radiant health and emotional equilibrium. When neglected these energy vortices retain imposed belief patterns or emotional stress and clog the entire circulation and flow. As we bury unresolved emotions in our cells, the chakras absorb and store the root problem that was never addressed. For example, a blocked base chakra may result in a lack of discipline, poor blood circulation or existential angst. Because it is our whirlpool of survival, it is important to keep the Earth “lock” receptive and stable.

On the other hand, a low libido, suppressed creativity or pronounced insensitivity could be remnants of a blocked second chakra. It is the reservoir of our latent creativity and sexuality, it stores our subconscious, and when entangled, it sends confusing signals to the throat center, impeding our communication and authentic expression. Moreover, in times of low self-esteem or aggrandized ego the solar plexus chakra freezes and the self is either denied or overrated. This either causes unhealthy desires for recognition and acclaim, or a subdued persona prone do depression and inferiority complexes. When rebalanced this chamber of will power glows with healthy drive and sense of purpose. Furthermore, all relationship issues are reflected in the heart. When we experience cardio-vascular problems, heart-burn, hypertension, we are asked to reconsider our relationships, relinquishing co-dependence and attachment and creating healthy boundaries between self and other. And if something lags in the way we express ourselves, we simply have to clear the throat center and open up to our inner truth. Then our personal authenticity will find the most optimal outlet for expression and connectivity.

Before we ascend up the ladder of spiritual insight we need to address the monkey mind. If the mind is restless and distracted by the constant chatter, then our mystical eye won’t be able to see things as they really are. Denial issues, lack of clarity and spiritual integrity, over-intellectualization and an inability to follow our intuition are the red alerts of an impaired “third eye.” As we open the center of cosmic intelligence we start to notice the synchronicities that piece the puzzle of cause and effect and allow for higher guidance. The third eye beams light into the crown of the head to open up the portal to divine wisdom and connect us to Spirit. If the third eye is locked, it is highly unlikely to feel oneness and gratitude for all. As we nurture our psychic abilities we notice the divine orchestration of events and accept every challenge as an opportunity for growth. We gain self-awareness and are ready to help and enlighten others on their way to conscious awakening.

It is so fascinating how the chakras are inter-related and co-existent. If one is blocked, the lack of flow will clog the others, creating dissonance, general malaise, and negative thinking. The simple five-minute chakra rinse is the most effective and fun way to eradicate the core problem and return to a meaningful and happy life.

As you practice the chakra cleanse, please, keep in mind that these energy disks are imprinted from the inside out and you need to visualize them both in front and back as you spin them clockwise and anti-clockwise. Pretty much like the clothes you put in the laundry, make your chakras a spiral vortex where centrifugal and centripetal forces meet to ensure alignment of body, mind and spirit.


Yogea visualization & meditation practice: Chakra Rinse

The five minute Yogea chakra visualization and meditation teaches you how to rinse your chakras with water, while focusing on the spiritual significance of each center and the physical organs and glands that are related to it. The technique consists of clockwise and anti-clockwise spinning of each chakra to wring out residual debris. As you ride the chakras from the root to the crown you will notice the psychic relevance of each center for your body systems, and connect the centers to the pressing concerns that you are trying to address in your life. The effect is a healthy being, a glowing aura, a positive mindset, and an open, grateful attitude to all.

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