Chakra Glow
This routine was requested by one of Yogea’s followers. He noticed that the channel abounds with spinal soothers and lower back stretchers, but he wanted a routine that addresses spinal strength in the context of the chakras. A brilliant idea that made me revisit the chakras in a new way and think of those poses that best spark the energy of creative awareness, known as Kundalini.
Actually, Kundalini is our dormant potential. When awakened we can tap our creative resources. There are plenty of chakra sequences on You Tube, and they are all valuable, but they rarely target spinal strength and bring endocrine balance. This particular one is unique because it ignites chakra power not in sequential order. It strings the poses in different planes and uses unorthodox, but very organic transitions to help students shift weight, planes and directions in the most optimal way.
When we can dive from standing to a seated pose we engage all the muscles of the spine and core. Physically, we strengthen the back and legs. Energetically, we power up the pranic tube of the spine to facilitate even flow through all the chakras. Thus, we don’t address just one chakra per pose. We synch up the chakras and forge relationships between systems, organs, glands and body parts. What ensues is a yogic symphony that teaches the student to take the body as a single unit, not as disparate parts.
What’s more, when we augment the chakra-enhancing poses with powerful mudra, we help seal energy into the particular nadi or nerve channel. These channels run across the entire body and facilitate the unimpeded flow of energy. In yoga, they are described as nerve valves. In Qi-Gong and Chinese Traditional Medicine they are regarded as meridians that constitute the subtle network of the nervous system, which in turn nourishes and sustains all organs and glands. When we think of the chakras, we always try to open the channels first in order to send a message to the center to spin.
It is very important to understand that the chakras are not located in a specific spot. We can’t pinpoint to a chakra. Instead, chakras contain and emanate energy in areas of our body that cross at major arteries and meridians. In this sense the chakras are more like junctions and stations, points of intersection, points of inquiry. When we get this right, we begin to feel the radiance and the vibrancy, instead of the specific location.
So now we can experiences the chakras as vortices and enjoy the harmonious spin in each junction. From the root chakra where our DNA codes vibrates, through the sacral chakra that houses our subconscious mind and sexuality, into the solar chakra that pacifies our ego and beams out our true identity, past the heart chakra that forges our relationships and sparks our compassion, into the vocal chakra that expresses our soul, up to the crown chakra that opens the portal to higher consciousness. And it doesn’t stop there. The seven chakras glowing through the physical body are only the bridge to the multiverse. Then comes the leap of the soul into the archetypal, the causal and the blissful realms where Spirit scintillates in universal wisdom.
Savor the physical and energetic benefits of this chakra symphony through the twist of the asana, the seal of the mudra and the power of the breath. As you strengthen your central pillar you will feel grounded and uplifted. You will be flowing and glowing!
Spinal Strength Yoga Routine: Chakra Glow (open level)
This Yoga routine enhances spinal strength, while stimulating all the chakras. Classical and innovative poses alternate and accompanied by valuable mudra and breathing practices help you energize and stabilize, so you can glow inside and shine outside!
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