Chakra Awakening
When I was 15 I was experiencing severe stomach pain, despite my healthy diet and exercise regimen. In a period of six months I had run all the possible allopathic tests, swallowed a handful of colored pills every, and felt worse by the day. Evidently, the suppression of the symptoms could not cure the cause of the dysfunction. This was the tipping point in my life when I turned to complementary medicine to address health issues. The memory of my first homeopath’s visit is still vivid in my mind. It lasted 3 hours as I was cross-examined physically, mentally, energetically and spiritually and prescribed a high potency tincture coupled with a series of breathing exercises that would activate the energetic center around my navel. Slowly the cause of the aching surfaced up, and it became clear that unresolved fear and anger due to unsuccessful performance at school had been deposited in the stomach area, which had led to acute gastritis. I realized that the physical body was only the outer manifestation of a coherent chain of subtle energy centers that channeled life force into the organs and contributed to optimal health. I religiously began to do my breathing activation practice along with my homeopathy treatment and slowly discovered the fascinating world of chakras.
The chakras are energetic wheels that spin within the subtle body and provide a fluid flow of “prana” or life force within. Although inconspicuous for the naked eye, these potent pools of condensed vibration of color, sound and divine image that regulate the psycho-physical and spiritual processes in the physical vessel and correspond to a particular aspect of the multiplicity of the self. The chakras are an extension of the breath sheath, translated from Sanskrit as “pranamaya kosha,” and are key in detecting the cause for any disease or physical impediment. As we root into the seed of each zone through breath-work, meditation, chanting, or creative visualization we are working towards unclogging stale or negative energy in each girdle or body part and opening the meridians or nerve channels to unleash the creative flow. Visually the chakras disks of glowing color that are activated separately or in gradual progression, starting from the base of the spine and leading to the crown of the head.
The ancient Hindus believed that the latent potential of every individual lies dormant at the base of the spine in the form of a coiled snake. Once awakened the serpent ascends up the spine connecting the divine feminine power of Shakti with the omnipotent masculine Shiva. As the energy of creative awareness Kundalini pierces through the chakras it fuels each center a creative drive and conducts the individual’s journey from latency to potency. Kundalini traces its double helix loop from the first chakra – Muladhara center that is located at the very base of the spine and is the spiritual whirlpool of survival instincts, blood memory and genetic coding. The second center Svadistana chakra is the seat of the collective subconscious and latent creativity that once unleashed stimulates sexuality and radiates sensuality. It is the center responsible for re-vitalizing the body and navigating the flow in the pelvic girdle. The third chakra Manipura is the seat of the self, which calls for a surrender of the ego in favor of the higher self. A clogging in Manipura chakra, for example, manifests in low self esteem, suppressed individuality, or emotional wounds. Most of the emotional toxic residue in the form of fear, anger, greed, insecurity, or sense of guilt is most often dumped into the solar plexus and escalates into stomach- related or digestion and elimination issues. The heart chakra – Anahata is the healing chamber of unconditional love and compassion. It also regulates the flow of abundance in the individual’s life. A locked heart may result in alienation and inability to offer service to others and reciprocate. The throat center Vishudha chakra, right above the heart is the center of awakened authenticity and thriving identity. If impaired the individual has a hard time expressing himself and relating to others. As we identify our creative niche in life we open up to a more sincere communication and interaction with the outside world, we tend both our inner and outer environment. The clarity of our intentions and the gratitude for what we already have resides in the third eye Ajna center– the cradle of intuition and cosmic intelligence. Once blocked the individual is deprived of the opportunity to see clearly and put things into perspective, and is unlikely to realize his vision. An open third eye results into the ability to receive divine guidance and marvel the cosmic orchestration of events in our lives. It is the precursor to the 7th chakra Sahasrara, where we are asked to embody our divinity by surrendering the intellect of the mind to the wisdom of the heart. Once Sahasrara opens we are ready to transcend all limitations and morph into resonance with all beings.
YOGEA Breathing: Chakra Awakening
This brief chakra activation breathing is intended to awaken the energetic body and prepare it for the vibrational shifts of spring. It’s a tool for regeneration, reawakening and revival. The circular movements coupled with active contraction and arching of the spine provide a free de-cording from energetic clots obtained in winter. After coming out of a more reclusive internal gestation period this chakra activation will allow you to put new or refined ideas into practice that have been incubated and cultivated over the winter. You will have the opportunity to shift deeply as the vibrational activations take you through the uncoiling and resurrection of patterns and move you through the steps of realization and rejuvenation. The practice brings a sense of awakening and grounding, subtle cleansing and renewed awareness.
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