Beginners Yoga Series: Triple Threat
I have received multiple requests for beginners’ routines lately. It is so gratifying to know that so many people want to start a home practice and are looking for the best online video that suits their needs. And there is so much to choose from. When I actually began designing this beginner’s sequence, I realized that I can’t possibly introduce beginners into the basics of Yoga in just a 30 minute practice – each pose broken down would take at least 10 minutes to explain. So this is how this beginner’s series came to be. It is really accessible and will give you the “abc” into the most loved and beneficial poses in Yoga. It is unique because it cultivates the art of smooth transitioning on and off the mat, and makes your practice seamless and delightful. And it guides you into the main pose types gradually – from standing to reclining, and into relaxation.
I called it triple threat because it allows you to integrate your energy, breath and movements consciously – leaving you centered, refreshed and harmonized. In the world of theatre, triple threat is when the performer has mastered the ability to dance, sing and act equally well. In Yoga triple threat comes with discipline and devotion. You just stay present with your practice, not only focused on the results. And one day, you find yourself at a different place – healthier, revitalized and clear about what you want to do with your life. That is the ultimate yoking of mind, body and consciousness, and it’s the triple threat that ensues from a regular yoga practice.
When you start doing Yoga, you can’t amass all the knowledge in a week, a month or a year, but you can learn by doing it and committing to the practice even when you don’t feel like it. Yoga is experiential. Soon enough, you will discover that a whole new space has opened inside of you, urging you to honor your self and tap your potential.
When I started Yoga 23 years ago, I tried a lot of beginners’ practices that made me mimic the movements, but did not guide me into the principles of energetic and anatomical alignment, and the benefits and sequencing tips for the different pose types. When you learn that basic knowledge, you yourself will be able to put together a practice and tailor it to your current needs.
The first routine ushers you into the most accessible and stabilizing standing poses, simple back and forward bends and soothing twists. Standing poses are a great way to get grounded and are safe to open the hips and shoulders, as they are usually accessible to all. Backbends are the energizing shot in Yoga, and forward bends provide a cooling and calming effect. The twists sooth the lower back, and flush toxins out. The first part emphasizes your ability to expand outwards, and live up to your greatness.
The second routine is geared towards providing a strong center, through grounding and balancing poses. Once you feel anchored you have much more leverage to find your equilibrium. It offers reclining backbends, that are a safe way to invigorate the body and open the heart. You also have a chance to try some kneeling variations of classical standing poses that require too much muscular strength in the vertical plane. Testing how your body reacts to simple inversions is part of the sequence menu.
The third routine has a core focus. You get a chance to zip up you center with some great abdominal toners, countered by pacifying forward bends and reclining hip openers. You learn how to transition safely and smoothly, and how to prepare for the final relaxation.
The great part is that the series does not follow chronologically and you don’t necessarily have to do it in order. It’s great to do it three days in a week, only if you are up to it. But even practicing the routines randomly would do the job. The important thing is ,to enjoy the practice and entrust your body to guide you through the process. The effect is thrice rewarding and truly nourishing. Just like a triple threat performer you will be able to navigate through life safely and skillfully.
Part 1
This beginners Yoga routine is especially designed to build your home practice. It takes you through all types of asana (poses), and allows you to experience the stabilizing effect of standing poses; the rejuvenating effect of back bends;
the pacifying effect of forward bends, and the purging effect of twists. All poses are safely and intelligently ordered into a toolkit to help you feel centered, lucid and at peace. The theme focuses on your expansion, and ability to get your message across.
Part 2
This beginner’s routine is intended for a well-rounded home practice. It breaks down key standing, kneeling, seated, supine and reclining poses so you understand that the anatomical alignment in Yoga is derived from the template pose – Mountain. Lunges – the key components of smooth transitioning are introduced here in a safe and easy-to-follow manner. Standing twists alternate with balancing poses, to keep your focus on one point. Reclining twists and a simple inversion will sooth your spine and get you into relaxation groove. You will learn to balance in a state of flux.
Part 3
This beginners Yoga home practice routine emphasizes the importance of having a strong core. It couples asanas (poses) that tone the abdominals, with poses that open up the joints and stretch the tendons. It guides you into performing core-toning poses through all levels – anatomically and energetically aligned. You will increase flexibility, while building stamina and inner strength. You will savor a relaxation that grounds and uplifts you.
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