Multi-purpose Soother
The IT band is the toughest tendon to stretch. And we need very specific poses to do that. Don’t attempt to use the foam roller – it doesn’t work. It actually makes it worse.
I call the IT band the ultimate multi-tasker. It is the bridge that links the pelvis, and the knee. It also connects the hip flexor with the gluteus – the butt muscle. We wouldn’t be able to run or jump without it. When it is too tight or overused, it tugs on your outer knee, causing pain. The firmness of the IT band is like a natural protection for the outer thigh. So we want to keep it supportive, while making it supple.
When we really want to work out the IT band, we have to think about releasing the thick fascia it is made of. We have to go two ways about stabilizing and loosening up the IT band. It starts from strengthening and goes into stretching the hips. If the hips are weak, the IT band is prone to injury. So how do we start?
We usually elongate the IT band by crossing the legs, sitting on the side, then by pulling, and twisting gently to the other side. All seated spinal twists, which have the leg extended, seemingly stretch the IT band. But when we get into Lord of the Fishes pose, for example, we don’t always access the band – the stretch goes right into the hip flexor. In my practice I have discovered, that the oppositional pull doesn’t always suffice. As we cross the legs, and clasp the extended leg with the opposite hand, we need to gently bend the knee, and curve into the same direction. A spiral motion occurs from the hip flexor, through the IT band and the waist, and attaches into the rib cage. The simple contracted twist accompanied by a slight tilting of the torso, helps get into the IT band.
The other effective way for accessing the IT band is crossing the feet while standing and, leaning in the direction of the front leg. I like to bring the same hand in line with the front leg and twist in the opposite direction, sometimes bending the back knee. It’s hard to do if your Achilles tendon is tight, though. So for the calf stiffeners like me, I recommend the easiest and most accessible IT band stretch – the cross-legged Down Dog. All you have to do is loop one leg to the opposite side chest level, and squeeze the inner thigh muscles as you press up and back. You will feel it kick in immediately.
And to finish it off, you can lie on your back and clasp the foot with the opposite hand, while pressing the shoulder down to the floor. This reclining bound twist, is always offered at the end of each class in one form or another. What I like to add is an extra twirl in the opposite direction while bending the knee in, and hugging it with the arms. It looks like a hybrid between supine pigeon and archer pose, because the knee is bent. Your IT band will tell you exactly how much you want to coil around the axis. Rocking side-to-side really helps to lengthen and sooth. A gentle rubbing of the tendon with downward strokes will rinse any tension or tightness in that area. You will immediately experience better stability in your hips and knees, and lightness through your legs. Because the IT band is your ultimate multi-tasker, and it knows its job. Let it do it.
IT Band Yoga: Multi-purpose Soother (open level)
This brief and effective yoga routine stretches the IT band through crossed legged positions while standing, sitting and reclining. It stabilizes the knees and hips and lengthens and sooths your side knee tendon – increasing range and mobility.
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