Less is more
I don’t know about you, but I am exhausted from the shenanigans of this past Monkey year! Surprise after surprise both fabulous and panic-laden swung most of our ways. Following 12 months of the hyperactive Monkey, according to Chinese astrologists the New Year of the Fire Rooster is going to bring fresh challenges requiring quick wit and practical solutions!
From a Red fire monkey, we are moving to a fire Rooster, which calls for action in a structured and cohesive way. I find it fascinating that 2017 is subject to the fire element in its Yin form. Yin fire actually expresses inner warmth and insight, as well as the quietness of privacy and family ties. Forgotten thoughts arise out of nowhere, amid a disconcerting atmosphere, both stiff and motley.
The Rooster is always sharp and precise. This precision is often associated with the qi energy of the rooster, as its essence is the metal element. So in 2017 we have to blend fire and metal – which calls for melding and re-directing our old efforts in a new way. Working on projects that we have already initiated is key. We are not expected to come up with new ideas or solution, but rather to generate more insight on what we are currently working on. Refining it, giving it a face-lift and polishing it for some extra glamour will be much needed.
That’s why in a Rooster 2017 year, we will hear more cutting criticisms of those in the public life and feathers might well fly as prides are dented, nevertheless all will benefit from the rude awakening. Despite a fuss and a flap we can expect prudence to be the key in economic matters for the Rooster, unlike the untamed monkey, is a good money manager.
To gain insight into the traits of this up-front bird, consider a Rooster in a barnyard, protecting his hens and strutting his stuff- feathers puffed up, head high and extremely proud of his flock. Well, that’s what this year might look like. It will be a year when the most vital promise made will result in a flawless job no matter what it takes to achieve it. It will be a year when it is truly better to do less, but do it perfectly.
The Rooster is also a “king” in his proud mannerisms – and his comb is actually a built-in crown! Thus the Rooster conveys the impression of leadership, of exalted character and enlightened insight. So we need to brush up our appearance, orderly not too originally, though. Too much eccentricity and originality is met with suspect because the Rooster teaches the lessons of order and scrutiny.
Perched precariously out on a limb, the Rooster is a cheerful and buoyant early bird.
A Don Quixote who is tempted by the spirit of adventure, he can bring a few wild goose chases that don’t quite work out. Independence and equality will characterize relationships.
Also, roosters are brave and chivalrous and, when faced with stress, opposition and adversity, will go far beyond what is required to win the battle. The stubborn Rooster will be a dauntless hero who will not back down and who will certainly be unreasonable if he doesn’t get his way. Roosters are alert to opportunities, and often can see far into the distant horizon for chances to show their leadership abilities.
Pundits say that the Year of the Rooster will be a powerful one, with no middle of the road when it comes to moving forward. This year, impressions count. You’ll want to look your best and be clear on your intentions concerning love, money, and business. Stick to practical and well-proven paths to ensure success, rather than risky ventures.
…And make friends, strike deals, forge new relationships, build joint ventures, for roosters are communal birds and group brain-storming will override individual eccentricity. Your circle of friends will definitely expand next year. However, no matter the business, family interests should always come first!
The rooster is the first creature to awake in the morning and wakes up the others with crowing. Time to get up and get on with it, the rooster personality is up-front and focused. Their forthright nature will not make Roosters the best diplomats, however, you can count on their thorough approach and attention to detail to get the job done. Being the sign of dawn and awakening, triumph and success the Rooster reminds us that things can only be achieved at the price of hard work and patience.
This year we may have to expend maximum effort for minimum gain. Try not to fuss too much. Details do need looking into, but don’t forget to view the whole picture. Be cautious. Do not aim too high. One is liable to get shot down.
General confidence may lead to new and daring ventures. The year of the Rooster 2017 heralds happiness, color and drama, but this has to be balanced with good old fashioned common sense and tried and tested values. Otherwise it could end up becoming a wild goose chase. Conflicts may come up but will dissipate if we put ourselves in each others’ shoes, otherwise, the administrator can turn dictator, which may not go over very well in the barnyard.
The motto is “keep it simple…and don’t take offense at the slightest provocation.
Luckily, in a Rooster Year, all of the Chinese animals can reap great rewards by tapping into Rooster traits. Loyalty, commitment, hard work, family values, and top-notch appearances are just some of the characteristics that will be rewarded this year.
As you dive into your lunar Rooster meditation, say this rooster mantra in your heart:
I am alert
Ready to take action
The first on the scene
The last to leave
I take chances
But I am precise
I know where things belong
I am orderly and fastidious
Nothing escapes me
I am always prepared
I never give up or in
Yogea meditation to invite the year of the rooster: Less is More
This is a meditation to inaugurate the 2017 Lunar year of the Fire Rooster. A breathing and mudra flow will bring your focus on the qualities that you need to hone in order to ride the comb of the Rooster. The creative visualization closes with an insightful Rooster mantra to expand your aura and generate opportunities for growth and success.
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