Trim & Tone
“There’s nothing like being thin…” “Nothin…!” This is the aspirations’ dialogue of two of my students who for the past twenty years tend to leap into a new diet every other month. “Cinch”, “Atkins”, “South-Beach”, “The Zone”, “Weight Watchers”…name it… they’ve tried it all, the changes – insignificant. Why? Because there is no single recipe for being thin, there is a multitude of approaches that you can combine in your own way to suit your individual needs. And the ancient practice of yoga is perhaps, the most integral one. Can yoga really help you shed some extra pounds? Isn’t it too tame for extreme weight loss? The truth is that yoga builds strength, but does not raise the heart rate enough to make it the only form of physical exercise you need. However, when coupled with the wholesome nutrition, positive-mind set, creative visualization and frequent cardio work-outs Yoga can help you ditch those inches around the waist.
Traditionally, Yoga works on the subtle body by cultivating mindfulness – the ability to observe what is happening internally in a non-reactive fashion. It helps change the relationship of mind to body and eventually to food and eating. It makes you more susceptible to influence for change – you feel like abandoning obstructive eating habits and devouring nutrient dense organic foods. Interestingly enough, most weight gain is not simply a matter of too many calories taken in for the calories spent. It is far more complex and relies on a balanced daily regimen. Because of their “isometric” and detoxifying power most yoga twists, standing poses, inversions, arm-balances, forward bends and backbends stimulate the functions of the liver, activate the thyroid gland to regulate metabolism, “alkalize” the stomach flora by catalyzing circulation, massage the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, which is always under pressure from life-style choices. In turn the body is relaxed and soothed, while rejuvenated and toned.
Yoga poses also activate the internal heat, and facilitate weight-loss by helping burn calories on the breath. There is a common misconception about the trimming effects of hot yoga classes. Sequenced in an unchanging format of 26 postures, generally hot yoga appeals to the average overweight person for its increased perspiration effect. The truth is that he/she is not likely to effectively shed pounds through a one-size-fits all yoga regimen. In retrospect, ancient yogis never heated their caves or hermitage in the Himalayas to 40 degrees just so they could practice “asanas” in the morning. They created internal heat through breathing, mediation, chanting and the sacred geometry of the body. Through the isometric and isotonic resistance of these “poses” we get the heart rate up for a very short burst and then drop it down, to raise it up again and sink it down. This constantly undulating heart rate wave is what really burns calories, while sculpting the internal musculature. Respectively, muscles are active tissues that consume fat as fuel. Yoga helps you build strong internal muscles that will be eating your fat stores even when you are in repose. And last but not least, forward bends and twists cleanse the colon, which is the last stage in the chain of toxin elimination and purification. Many people tend to store food matter locked in their colon. This makes them constipated and energetically clogged, and as a result trimming the fat becomes a hurdle.
While Vinyasa-based routines or Power Yoga classes are your best bet, if you want to tone your arms, flatten your belly and slim down your legs, break the conventional yoga pattern and try something new. Venture into this innovative Yogea Weight Loss open sequence that combines the psycho-physical effects of traditional yoga with specific modifications to offer all the fat burning potential and health benefits of an aerobic workout. And what’s more, it will make your body “think” and your mind “feel” in new unorthodox ways, resulting in increased water intake, healthy food habits, a slender physique and coherent lifestyle. Use Yogea to jump start your weight-loss plan, ride the momentum and keep on going. Come and swing with me at Lake House Inn – a magnificent bridal ceremony retreat in Pennsylvania.
Weight Loss Yoga Routine: Trim and Tone
This Yogea sequence offers a blend of isometric exercises paired with gluteus and thigh strengtheners, abdominal toners, and fat-burning breathing techniques to stimulate the natural mechanisms of the body for weight loss. Traditional poses are augmented with innovative binds, twists, and forward bends executed in a repetitive flow of contraction and release. Horizontal stretches engage the stomach muscles in tandem with the oblique and transverse abdominals. The gluteus is strengthened via elongation and relaxation of the lumbar spine. A series of standing postures alternate with deep squats to build up the quadriceps. Externally rotated hip flexors engage the adductors and abductors. The hamstrings are strengthened and lengthened through a blend of forward and back bends. Stamina building transitions chisel the upper arms and elongate the calves. The front of the body is toned while the background body rendered supple. Shoulder openers are combined with hip stretches, and detoxifying twists accompany reclining and standing poses. The focus is on building strong muscles, while creating lean and flexible musculature. By harnessing a silky energy that is powerful and elastic practitioners have the opportunity to stimulate the organs and trim the excess fat. The result is a radiant, detoxified and harmonious self.
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