Regulate & Sustain
My brother has been suffering from hypertension for more than a decade. He would be totally fine and lucid, and then, all of a sudden would get dizzy, experiencing severe palpitations, ringing in the ears, his pulse racing up his throat. It takes him by surprise and he needs to swallow his emergency pills to suppress the surge. Although he was a victim of hypertension, he was fortunate enough to get signals from his body and act accordingly. Some people don’t even know when their blood pressure hits the roof, and when they do find out it could be too late. Hypertension results when blood pressure consistently reads 140/90 or even higher. It is characterized by a high amount of pressure exerted by the circulating blood upon the walls of the blood vessels. It is hard to detect without a medical diagnosis, but can lead to a stroke, heart-attack and even sudden death if left untreated. The causes: stress, high sodium diet, smoking, obesity, hereditary and even age. It is hard control factors like age or genetics. However, proper nutrition, targeted yoga routines and adequate stress management can help lower high blood pressure and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
In fact, once my brother was diagnosed with hypertension he reverted to a low-sodium, sugar-free, lacto-vegetarian diet, based on whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, yoghurt, raw nuts and whole grains. But most importantly, he committed to a semi-weekly Yoga practice integrating specific breathing exercises, targeted postures, meditation and Qi-Gong. The effect was remarkable. He not only lost weight naturally, but his high pulse rate dropped, his blood-pressure wouldn’t sky rocket anymore, and his anxiety attacks ceased. His overall mood and endurance improved, he got more flexible and less agitated.
I recently created a targeted Yogea sequence for his condition that offers a contemporary twist to traditional “pranayama” and “asana” focusing on acupressure points’ breathing, forward bends, supine, sitting and inverted poses. In supine positions the heart expends less effort pumping blood to the rest of your body. In turn, this strengthens the heart and decreases vascular resistance, which is the resistance of circulation that must be overcome to push blood through the body. He has been practicing the routine religiously and the constant discomfort of having your blood-pressure up the roof alleviated. He feels calmer, safe in his own skin and rejuvenated.
If you have blood-pressure fluctuations this Yogea Artflow blend of breathing techniques, energy seals, pressure point massage, select poses and meditation will be a great addition to your healthy diet and stress-free life style. Come, check it out!
Yoga Routine for regulating blood pressure: Regulate and Sustain
The breathing techniques that start off this Yogea routine are a blend of Qi-Gong and Pranayama and involve the utilization of “Mudras” to help seal life force in the body. By activating pressure points, used in acupuncture, while breathing deeply and consciously practitioners can reduce high blood pressure on their own, improving symptoms of heart failure. The adequately strung poses that include pacifying forward bends, supine twists, grounding and standing poses and semi-inversions help ease palpitations, enhance cardiac rehabilitation and aid in lowering cardiovascular risk factors such as cholesterol levels, blood sugar and stress hormones. The routine improves breathing and sleep pattern, normalizes weight, and decreases the pulse rate, while increasing energy levels. The slow-pace invites practitioners to execute the poses cautiously with balance and concentration. As a result the postural alignment is fixed, the poise and steadiness grow, the attention focus comes back, the memory is enhanced and the mood swings stabilized. Furthermore, the spine and the joints become supple. At the end of the practice inner peace ensues. This enables the practitioner to tread life with purpose and direction.
If you are experiencing a high rise or drop in blood pressure or any related condition, consult your doctor prior to engaging in this practice.
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