Unblock and Move On
I’ve always marveled New York City’s hidden parks. Every couple of blocks you walk a lush interior garden with a waterfall, an exquisite Urban Zen corner, or a quite sanctuary reveals itself and welcomes you to sit and recharge before you move on. Amidst the austere angularity of streets lined with skyscraper monoliths there is an inviting circular feel to these public spaces that offer room for reflection and time for repose. In winter when these spaces hibernate we can still recreate their comforting vibe at home simply by heeding the ancient secrets of Chinese Geomancy – or Feng Shui.
Feng Shui is a complex body of knowledge that reveals how to balance the energies at any given space to assure health and good fortune for people inhabiting it. The system works through “ley lines” – a subtle network of energy pathways through which Qi- or life forces passes. As we master the art of balancing “wind” Feng and “water” Shui, we also learn to use the vibratory properties of colors, the reflecting surfaces of mirrors and the oxygenating qualities of plants to eliminate any negative charge within our interior. As we transform our inner space and make it conducive to spiritual work we suddenly notice how clogged energy begins to dissipate rendering things that bothered us before simply irrelevant and unworthy of concern. Suddenly, the impediments that impaired our flow in life become points of self-inquiry and introspection. The walls that prevented us from seeing our goals clearly turn into windows of fresh perspective and possibility. The stumbling blocks simply become stepping stones for a creating a coherent reality.
All spiritual traditions are littered with practices for purification, negative release, or emotional unblocking and it is important to create that tool kit that resonates with your heartfelt desire. Whether you will be meditating, whirling, chanting, visualizing at home, or simply taking the time to re-balance the “qi” of your space you are making a step towards spiritual sanity, a gentle act of compassion towards yourself and the enshrining of your physical temple – your body.
Next time you feel blocked, make conscious room for little spatial or energetic adjustments at home and notice how little it takes to flip the coin and see the reverse. It is only when we throw light on the shadow that we notice how the veil of duality lifts and opens a whirlpool of opportunities for reclaiming out terrain.
Yogea Meditation: Unblock and Move on
This brief meditation is intended to help you perceive every challenge as an opportunity for growth. As you move your awareness inwards into your subtle breath, you begin to make space for re-evaluation and perspective shifts. It also teaches you the art of stretching time as a mould for the movement of consciousness. Making the time to meditate every day will re-anchor you into your divine self. It will make you physically strong, positively radiant and gracefully accepting.
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