Zip The Core
It’s sizzling hot, time to clad yourself in summer’s bare attire. You want a flat stomach, but you’re sick of sit ups and crunches? You aspire to get those nicely chiseled six-packs on your belly, but don’t know how? You are aware that the basic abdominal floor crunch is old news at this point, considering almost all of our daily tasks require core strength. Intriguingly, the average desk job person spends 56 hours per week sitting, which weakens the core and makes every physical activity an actual burden. Energetically, the core is the vital energy zone in the body where more than 72,000 subtle nerve channels intersect. It is the cradle of our subconscious, the seat or our latent creativity. Physically, maintaining a strong core helps you prevent back pain, boost your agility and increase your flexibility, facilitating the structural integration of all body parts and the glandular stimulation of all organs. Spiritually, a receptive but centered core anchors people into their life purpose and allows them to act from their heart’s integrity. Emotionally, a vulnerable core reveals unresolved fears lingering in the lower abdominal and creating gastro-intestinal disorders. Anatomically, to build a strong core you need to exercise a variety of muscles from your hips to your shoulders.
Geometrically, think of your core muscles as the sturdy central link in a chain connecting your upper and lower body. Whether you’re hitting a tennis ball or mopping the floor, the necessary motions either originate in your core, or move through it. No matter where motion starts, it ripples upward and downward to adjoining links of the chain. Thus, weak or inflexible core muscles can impair how well your arms and legs function. And that saps power from many of the moves you make. Properly building up your core cranks up the power. A strong core also enhances balance and stability. In fact, a strong, flexible core underpins almost everything you do. Bending, lifting, twisting, carrying, hammering, reaching overhead — even vacuuming, mopping, and dusting are acts that spring from, or pass through, the core.The abs have very limited and specific action, and what experts refer to as the “core” actually consists of many different muscles that stabilize the spine and pelvis, and run the entire length of the torso. When these muscles contract, they stabilize the spine, pelvis and shoulder girdle and create a solid base of support. When this happens, we are able to generate powerful movements of the extremities. The core muscles also make it possible to stand upright and move on two feet. Weak core muscles contribute to slouching. These muscles help control movements, transfer energy, shift body weight and move in any direction. A strong core distributes the stresses of weight-bearing and protects the back. More importantly, it lessens wear and tear on the spine and allows you to breathe deeply.
Aesthetically, good posture trims your silhouette and projects confidence.
In my two decade-long physical and mental fitness regimen I have found isometric resistance stretching combined with core strengthening asana to be most effective for “trimming the belly fat and igniting the core – the reservoir of our true potential. When the core is out of tune our creativity leaks out and we’re unable to stay focused and perform our daily duties optimally and through our heart’s integrity. Let’s not let it spill, let’s zip our core.
Yogea Abs Toning Routine: Zip The Core
This Yogea Abs Toning sequence offers a unique blend of pulsing abdominal twists, pelvic tilts and intercostals’ extensions and varied core strengtheners engaging the front of the body and the buttocks. The sequence kicks off with forearm plank exercise to fire up the front and side abdominals. It integrates kneeling core strengtheners that work simultaneously on the upper and lower body. Lateral twists alternate with subtle hip openers to lengthen and strengthen the sides of the waist. Standing balances and seated poses are linked with supported backbends to create a sense of equilibrium and openness. Supine belly toners firm the entire torso and reclining twists decompress the spine evening both sides out. Comforting forward bends sooth the body and the mind and create a strong center of integrity and radiance. The flow introduces an effect of “pulsing and bouncing” into the pose to prepare the ligaments for deeper stretch. No relaxation is offered as this is an invigorating practice to get you up and going.
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