Aura Glow
As I ride the train to work every morning I love to indulge in a rainbow game. Instead of stressing whether I’ll make it to class in time, I honor the presence of the people around me and focus on their individual haloes. I simply read their auras. In less than five minutes I can see the whole spectrum of the rainbow, a colorful palette of shades, nuances and tones. It’s so much fun, as you see people standing next to each other with sometimes contradictory “glows”. I sense the subtle shade of color that enshrines them, and dare to go even further – I try to intuit their thoughts. How do I do this? True, I can’t apply the “Kirlian” photography on the train. Interestingly enough, very young children (up to age 5) see auras naturally. Infants frequently look ABOVE a person in front of them. When they don’t like the color of the aura above the head, or if this color is much different from their parent’s aura, they cry, no matter how much smiling the person does. In my case, extensive and relentless concentration and creative visualization practice throughout the years has trained my eyes to detect the subtle vibrations emitted by a person. In fact, if I see a face that’s preoccupied – I send them a positive vibe. When I see luster in the eyes I smile back. It’s just a silent way of communing and sharing space. It’s a game that I play to train my faculty of transferring energy and creating positive change.
The aura is a subtle luminous radiance surrounding a person or an object. It is something like condensed ethereal vibration, a certain atmosphere that emanates from everything and vibrates at a specific wavelength. Everything in the Universe vibrates. Every atom, every molecule, every electron, every elementary “particle”, even our thoughts and consciousness are mindful vibrations. The aura contains information about the person in highly condensed form that often vibrates as color, scent or tone. Shades ranging from pink to orange, to yellow to green to blue to purple denote a healthy glow. Darker and foggier colors such as grey, brown, ash and even black signal a low vitality and a veiled perception. Usually, a healthy aura reveals a balancing of one’s own internal life forces. It combines a positively charged electrical force which is masculine in nature, and a negatively charged magnetic force, which is feminine in nature. In Chinese healing arts, when both the Ying (feminine) and Yang (masculine) forces are in agreement, the mind activates right and left brain hemispheres and allows every individual to take charge of their destiny.
Even more intriguing, the Aura around humans is partly composed from EM (electromagnetic) radiation, spanning from microwave, infrared (IR) to UV light. The low frequency microwave and infrared part of the spectrum (body heat) seems to be related to the low levels of the functioning of our body (DNA structure, metabolism, circulation etc.) whereas high frequency (UV part) is more related to our conscious activity such as thinking, creativity, intentions, sense of humor and emotions. Russian scientists, who seem to be about 3 decades ahead of everyone else in Aura research, make experiments suggesting that our DNA can be altered, by influencing its microwave Aura. The high frequency UV part is very important and most interesting but largely unexplored. And this part can be seen with naked eyes. Conversely, as we are able to change the color of our aura, we are bringing in subtle transformations on a cellular lever and deprogramming negative habits and tendencies genetically coded in our DNA.
“Aura” around living conscious objects, like people, plants, animals, or minerals changes with time, sometimes very quickly. When we work toward refining our auras we need to consider two qualities discussed in the ancient Indian healing tradition Ayurveda. According to this perennial science the human aura is made up of two qualities: “ojas” (the sap of life); tejas (radiant luster) Ayurveda regards “Ojas” as the subtle essence that is responsible for life, radiant health, strong immunity, vigor, longevity and overall well being of an individual. The subtle essence called “ojas” that is extracted from the proper digestion and efficient metabolism of food nourishes the bodily tissues of blood, plasma and lymph, muscle, fat, bones, bone marrow and semen. Ojas also forms the basic material of the five sense organs, ligaments and lubricating fluids. Improper digestion leads to production of “ama” or toxins in the body. The accumulation of ama/toxins in the bodily tissues is what leads to disease and darkened aura. “Ojas” is affected by not only the food we take in and its healthy digestion, but also by the sensory impressions we take in. A person with healthy “ojas” possesses clear radiant complexion, strong immunity, high threshold for stress, mental clarity, creativity and serenity.
The other building block of the aura is known as “tejas”. Tejas is responsible for inner radiance, glow or aura, luster in one’s eyes, clarity, fearlessness, courage, intelligence, and understanding and comprehension at the cellular level. It is the subtle and positive essence or counterpart of “pitta” or fire element in the body and is responsible for the digestion and metabolism of everything we take in. “Tejas” can be compared to hormones and amino acids that regulate cellular metabolism. Negative thinking damages “ojas” and “tejas” and impairs the function of the spleen, weakening the lymphatic system and creating a negative halo around the person. The best way to maintain a healthy luster is to engage in daily purification and breathing techniques, asana practice, accompanied by tapping exercise to keep your chakras (energy centers) spinning properly. But most of all, adopting a positive attitude to life and embracing situations, encounters and challenges with an open heart and mind will allow you to glow from within and radiate that luminescence without.
The aura is our spiritual signature that is inscribed every time we breathe out our essence into the world. It is our responsibility to radiate positive thoughts, to tend to the planet lovingly and to refine our being consciously.
Yogea Breathing and Meditation: Aura Glow
This Yogea meditation combines energizing breath and creative visualization for refining and strengthening your sense of meaningful presence in the world. It will guide you into building a bridge between your mind and heart, and draw you closer to living in alignment with your soul purpose. Opening space for self-inquiry it will help you cultivate a sense of divine timing. As you dive into the stillness of your quintessential self you will be able to relax in your presence and feel the love emanating from within expressed as your God-self. As a result you will purify your aura and attract like-minded and like-hearted beings in your life. You will nurture your trust to let go and let God!
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