Synchronicity Call
When all events begin to synch up we somehow know that we are on the right path of aligning our purpose to the needs of the planet. Synchronicity explores the interpenetration of things and seeks to increase our ability to recognize relationships by relinquishing the rigid conceptualization of the world. This inevitably leads to a more blissful everyday experience as we realize that nothing in existence is fundamentally divisible or separate. Synchronicity happens when we notice the bleed-through from one seemingly separate thing into another – or when we for a brief moment move beyond the mind’s divisions of the world. At that point we are no longer in duality and connect the dots smoothly and effortlessly.
As we practice Yoga we fine tune our bodies to this subtle intuitive frequency and become “synchronistics” – a special breed of people who live in the constant awareness while being awash in pop-culture – always open to uncanny connections between the divine and the everyday. The sync is simultaneously discovered and created. It is only there because we are there to experience it. It happens when a scene comes on the TV as you enter the room depicting the exact circumstances of a secret you harbor from everyone present, or when you run into your best friend from childhood in a non-descript town or a different country thousands of miles from where you grew up. The more unlikely and tangential the connection – you pulled off the highway because you had trouble with your engine just as your friend was walking out of the cafeteria – the more bliss that’s likely to be felt. Synch tells us: nothing is random, even the most insignificant seeming action fits into a universal plan.
My life, too, began to synch up when I committed to a daily yoga practice about 20 years ago. At first I struggled with the sheer fact that I had to do it religiously everyday no matter what. So I found many legitimate excuses why I couldn’t practice, until one day I noticed that I was drifting away from my center. I revisited my whole life – family, school, friends, acquaintances, hobbies and saw all the unnecessary things I was trying to swing. So I plunged into my practice, and suddenly my whole life changed. I no longer felt a need to mingle with some of my friends and colleagues; I altered my diet, cut off external distractions; improved my concentration at school and broadened my awareness to encompass new holistic ways of experience and knowledge.
I started finding interesting items on the street that had a clear message, and ended up meeting people who were in tune with my spiritual quest. My life turned into a synchronicity call and I received messages for myself and others in unthinkable ways. I would often hear things I had to convey to others, or wrote stream of consciousness – seemingly incoherent which later made sense. I explored the strange and mysterious universe that I had found myself into and found the congruence in all.
Twenty years later I am still winged by the inspirational and associative world of synchronicity and I feel that it has become the seventh sense of our brilliant system, which I like to call “Luminescence”. The word is derived from the quintessential concept in Yoga “Sunyata”– Luminous emptiness. When we want to open up to the call of synchronicity we have to empty the mind, stop the frustration of judging and end the “comparathon” that separates things into better or worse, failure or success; right or wrong. There is no single answer, and no single approach.
Synchronicity is like a giant kaleidoscope that we can view from different angles, as one single unit. Our mind is in fact a giant brain-space of boundless neural pathways that connect harmoniously only when we embark on an honest exploration of “synch” – when we leave our preconceptions and our hard-wired programming at the door. When this happens to single individuals they slowly create a critical mass that advances humanity and helps us make the quantum leap into instant illumination and immediate insight. And this occurs when we harness our intuition and release the tight grip of our deductive mind.
In a time of human history when more and more people are awakening to the congruent messages of the universe, we need to achieve a unity of focus and recognize how questions that were once internally whispered are now being asked aloud, and some even louder. We have come to a threshold age when truth is required so everyone can form their own opinions rather than being told what they should do. Whether it’s politics, religions or huge corporate structures that have grown out of control, all should be put to the test of synchronicity and held accountable. In this moment of revelation we intuitively realize that great changes are necessary in order to put things back on track. This revolution requires collective effort, when we need to function like a bee hive, and synch up our personal interests to the global needs. Only then can we listen to our inner guidance and feel inspired, capable and deserving to pursue what matters most to us in the knowing that we are benefiting the whole world.
This Yogea beginners sequence flows smoothly and effortlessly and offers accessible but creative ways to tone and stretch the body, while harnessing a sense of immediate insight. A standing intro roots you in your center and gently increases mobility in the hip and shoulder joints, while articulating and twisting through the spine. Low lunges adorned with innovative arm stretches flow into hamstring and adductor openers and alternate with backbends and abdominal toners to provide a well-rounded beginners experience. Standing poses firm the base and strengthen the entire body while winding down seated positions cradle from one side to the other, while rising the falling to help you ride the wave of consciousness and connect to the inner resources of your being.
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