12/21/12 – Intergalactic Alignment
12/21/2012…It’s still Pre-Christmas shopping frenzy here in NY. After fighting midnight crowds and door-busters urban shopaholics flocked to cyberspace to check off their holiday wish lists. As if Black Friday and Cyber Monday weren’t enough. But it’s never enough, even if tomorrow is doomsday. Indeed, according to multiple esoteric sources it is the end of the Mayan calendar and Armageddon is supposedly knocking on our door. The ancient Mayan priests knew of this end date as the intersection of dimensions, stellar crossroads that led to renewal and rebirth of a new world age. The Chinese almanac of perennial divination “I Ching” speaks of this moment as “time wave zero” and calculates the ebb and flow of novelty defined as increase over time in the universe’s interconnectedness and organized complexity. Arcane Vedic scripts point to this age as Kali Yuga – the culmination of darkness and veiled truth, hoping for the next messiah “Kalki Avatar” to herald the new dawn.
Materialism and the rational empirical worldview has reached its expiration date. Much of the modern world has ignored the knowledge of ancient civilizations, creating a global culture, steeped in secular and materialistic pursuits. Time has come when our local Milky Galaxy is interacting with our local star system and the most dramatic changes every to impact our human destiny are now taking place. More and more people are turning to holistic therapy as an alternative to the interventionist allopathic medicine. New technologies offer sustainable growth, the educational system is on the brink of reform, as the obsolete Descartes formula “I think, therefore I am” is now flipped to read: “I am, therefore I think.” Humanity is currently being transformed beyond anything ever imagined.
Astrologically, 21/12/2012 represents an auspicious moment in human history, which occurs once every 26,000 years. The solar meridian crosses the Galactic Equator and the Earth aligns itself with the center of the Galaxy – the black hole at the core of the Milky Way. This conjunction generates an energetic vortex that may cause a shifting of poles and an upgrading of our planet’s grids. But with it, a window of choices opens, and every soul is afforded the opportunity to cross the threshold into the New World. Crossing the threshold into the new paradigm will not accommodate any kind of victim consciousness. The focus is on trying not to get attached to whatever appears to be falling apart. But rather, on releasing outdated patterns of belief with a sense of forgiveness as we surrender to these inevitable changes from a point of emotional and spiritual maturity. It teaches us that human beings are not subordinate to the whims of matter, but are rather part of an all pervasive evolution of consciousness. This date is only a portal for anchoring within ourselves a solid foundation and hope that humanity is on the path towards an enlightened state of oneness with the universe.
The best way to experience this unity and access our well of authenticity is through the sincerity of our breath. Welcome this time of change and breathe into it fully, harnessing the power to re-envision your life and reinvent yourself.
Let’s join the countless spiritual groups that will pray, affirm and meditate on this day and invite the surging energies of coherent change through a special VORTEX breathing practice.
Yogea Vortex Breathing
This Yogea Vortex Breathing focuses on active pelvic contractions to promote releasing of old patterns and on spinal elongations to facilitate an unimpeded flow of energy and oxygen into the brain. Special “mudras” (hand seals) are introduced to activate meridian crossings and switch the body into homeostatic resonance. Fire breath variations are coupled with detoxifying twists to rinse toxic residue from the lower abdomen and allow mobility in the hip joints. A deep sense of grounding and tuning to the Earth’s electromagnetic field is attained, as we move our awareness into the center of the Earth and channel information through the interstellar gateways that open in this period of the “cross-current.” The emphasis of this practice is on harnessing the massive positive power that is emitted into the universe during the time of the conjunction. As we relinquish control and practice acceptance and un-attachment we let go off all the external stuff that no longer serves our higher purpose.
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