12/12/12 – Dimensional Doorway
Waterfalls are translucent canopies of spray that generate a well of outpouring forces and inflowing charge, a symbolic flight from latency to potency. Waterfalls are unharnessed elemental motion, the force-fields which one needs to realign to the rising vibrations of the Earth. They symbolize the synergy of mountain and water. The downward movement of water alternates with the upward movement of the mountain, the dynamism of the fall with the static properties of the rock. The waterfall persists as an entity, but is never the same, reminding us to accept change as it comes, without fear, judgment or preconception. Waterfalls could be protective shields that ward off negative energies, or healing agents that initiate a practice of emotional release and emotional recharging. Waterfalls activate our personal codes of ascension and awakening as they combine the three aspects that constitute our dimensional doorway: alignment, anchoring and transformation.
In the Hebrew mystical tradition “Kabbalah,” the junction between alignment, anchoring and transformation is expressed through the divine emanation of “Da-at” – the mystical center where all ten “emanations” are united as one and exist in their perfect state of infinite sharing. The numerological equivalent of this mystical state in our calendar is the date 12/12/2012. It is a day when a major vibrational portal will open, resulting in a window of possibilities for an evolutionary leap. Global insights will rush forth as we awaken to a greater embodiment of our divine presence. There are multiple assumptions for this day, but we will determine what the predictions will manifest. What seeds will we plant at the gateway to flourish our fertile soil as we walk into the threshold of the new world? The gateway for you may be to face a fear, or a place that encourages you to come into a new power. It may be a place that you feel you can reconcile and bring new truth to the past. It may re-ignite the wound of unresolved emotions or spark epiphanies and creative insight. Invite the transmissions of these higher frequencies of love, and gently allow for the necessary shifts of movement toward unity-consciousness or open-hearted collaboration.
Come, let’s travel within by practicing a releasing “waterfall” breathing and meditation, and make this gateway impactful for your soul. By acknowledging your portal you create a portal for the ascension of humanity at large. As you make a commitment to renew yourself, you are purifying the world and updating its planetary system to access the “Milky Web.”
Yogea Breathing and Meditation: Purify & Connect
This purifying Yogea breathing and meditation is intended to activate the mechanisms of emotional release and recharge. Hand seals (mudras) are used to catalyze emotional disentanglement and generate a need for forgiveness and letting go. As “pranayama” alternates with “Qi-Gong” breathing practices the flow of internal energy begins to build a resonance shield of outer protection. We become both reflectors and manifestors of our reality and our lower and higher energetic centers unite at the center of the solar plexus. Personal identity is being revealed, as a deep cleansing meditation ensues. The challenge is to be grounded and yet flexible while yielding to the natural flow. The focus is on anchoring while contemplating impermanence and tangibility through the paradox of the waterfall. The effect is releasing of the old patterns and re-aligning to the renaissance frequencies of transformation and rebirth. The outcome is a new you.
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