Yogea Vortex Breathing

This Yogea Vortex Breathing focuses on active pelvic contractions to promote releasing of old patterns and on spinal elongations to facilitate an unimpeded flow of energy and oxygen into the brain. Special “mudras” (hand seals) are introduced to activate meridian crossings and switch the body into homeostatic resonance.  Fire breath variations are coupled with detoxifying twists to rinse toxic residue from the lower abdomen and allow mobility in the hip joints. A deep sense of grounding and tuning to the Earth’s electromagnetic field is attained, as we move our awareness into the center of the Earth and channel information through the interstellar gateways that open in this period of the “cross-current.”  The emphasis of this practice is on harnessing the massive positive power that is emitted into the universe during the time of the conjunction. As we relinquish control and practice acceptance and un-attachment we let go off all the external stuff that no longer serves our higher purpose.

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