Yogea Meditation for eradicating negative habits: Illuminate Your Shadow

This Yogea breathing and meditation practice draws on the ancient tradition of “Kundalini” yoga and fuses ecstatic ventilation breathing with pacifying meridian crossing along with mudra and creative visualization. The emphasis is on invoking “spanda” or the transformative energy of the universe into every cell of the body in an attempt to burn the negative tendencies in the fire of awareness. A spiral dance of the arms coiling like tendrils around the spine represents the entwining into the shadow’s web, while gentle tapping and opening of the nerve channels shows the power of the mind to acknowledge and dispel negative patterns. A clearing meditation allows you to embrace your shadow and shed light on those suppressed emotions that hinder your growth. Once all fear is released you blossom into a state of full absorption and your split personality integrates into your pure self.

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