
Are you on your path to learning about Yoga, or you wish to deepen your practice?

Yogea’s education runs on a “teach vs preach- tools vs tips” track. No cookie cutter sequences, no trivial yoga speak, no New Age rhetoric, no wellness labels and brands… Instead, we offer a wide array of tools – both ancient and modern to help you stay in touch with your body’s needs, and in tune with your life pursuits. You will learn about world philosophies and spiritual science. You will practice classical and somatic techniques to stay healthy and fit. The innovative approach builds on a solid classical foundation and draws on sound research – offering the many pieces that inform our contemporary yoga puzzle. Be part of our vibrant educational platform!

Yogea YouTube Channel

Access more than 300 innovative free routines from the comfort of your home with our user-friendly Yogea Yoga YouTube Channel updated every Monday with customized, creative and exhilarating yoga routines – an all time favorite of millions yoga teachers and students across the globe.

Yogea 200, 300, 500 & 800 Teacher Training Programs

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Your unique chance to immerse into the art and science of classical and modern Yoga. Not only will you ace the Yoga basics, but you will also learn: how to weave energetic anatomy into innovative sequencing; how to customize classes for any age, level, and condition and how to interpret philosophies from various wisdom traditions, while honing your unique voice as teachers. Our unprecedented Teacher Training program now goes online with Yogea Academy. Access our holistic Yoga education anytime, anywhere. Stay tuned!


Yogea Group Classes


Drop into our wisdom laden and innovasana lush group classes at Peridance Capezio Art Center. Students from across the country and around the world flock to this innovative class – the only one of its kind in New York, eager to taste the singular Yogea spiral flow, replete with unpredictable transitions and deeply nourishing asana. The delightful sequencing will keep you on your toes. The vivid meditations will inspire you to start fresh.


Yogea open group classes run semiweekly (every Tuesday and Thursday from 9- 10 am.) at Peridance Capezio Art Center located at 126 East 13th Street, NY (www

Yogea Mystery School


Attend our monthly Yogea Mystery School to glimpse various wisdom traditions and leaf through the world’s esoteric library. You will refine your meditation craft to connect the dots between ancient and modern spirituality.

Lectures are held monthly. Locations dates and times to be announced.

Please, sign up for our monthly Newsletter!