The prenatal asana routine for the 2nd trimester starts with a devotional breathing to connect Earth and Sky and harness vital energy in the uterus to facilitate baby’s growth. An energizing massage of the ankles, knees and hips follows, while gently stretching the hamstrings and lengthening the lower back. Safe seated hip openers coupled with mid-back twists and arm binds open the pelvis and the cervical spine while lubricating the hips and shoulder joints. Side tilting accompanied by gentle contraction and arching of the lower back stretches the ribcage and promotes suppleness in knees, psoas and gluteus. Moms are encouraged to lift up from seated to kneeling as they try side lunge modifications embellished with creative twists and arm binds. The level shifts as moms assume externally rotated standing hip openers and neutrally rotated forward bends to build strength, stimulate adductors and abductors; and sooth their sore hamstrings and calves. From the highest level, moms descend sequentially into semi-squatting, lunging, kneeling and sitting supine lateral tilts and mild supported inversions and backbends. Crown inversions on all fours stimulate the pineal gland and the production of the love hormone oxytocin that nurtures the bond between mom and baby. Finally, deep hip openers and open forward bends wrap the sequence up and usher moms into a relaxing meditation. A guided creative visualization takes moms into a trip to the moon where they rock their babies in a serene cradle of joy.
Duration: 1 h. 20 min.
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