Here is your free guide with 101 beautifully illustrated Innovasanas each with a video link to our YouTube channel for an even more in depth illustration of how to perform and the most out of each of these innovasting asanas.

We designed 101 INNOVASANAS for you, all organized by types and benefits.
– Anti-anxiety Innovasanas
Thoughtfully crafted, anti-anxiety Innovasanas aim to unravel the inner knots of imbalance to find serenity.
– Balancing Innovasanas
If you’re feeling somewhat out of balance, we have some poses to promote stability and restore your balance. So, let’s float!
– Mental fitness Innovasanas
The mental body registers and navigates your sensory and motor activities. Let’s stay sharp!
– Mobility & joint health Innovasanas
When we consolidate our body parts in a coherent, synergistic pattern we promote circulation and open the joints in multiple ways – translating greater physical and emotional freedom.
– Gut health Innovasanas
Our body speaks clearly and truthfully when we think from the gut. But before we access that well of inner knowing we first need to clean up the gut. Are you up for a detox?
– Hormonal health Innovasanas
Sometimes we need some oxygen shots, inversions and poses to massage all our glands and promote hormonal balance throughout. Try out the Yogea hormonal candies – I swear by them!
– Immunity-boosting Innovasanas
When flu or allergy season hits… you might want to stimulate your thymus gland. We have created some invaluable poses to bolster your immunity.
– Stamina-boosting Innovasanas
We engineered some empowering poses to arm you with courage, boost your confidence and promote your endurance both on and off the mat.
– Core-building Innovasanas
You can target your DNA strands and change the coding in their extremities just by accessing your core. These abdominal teasers will not only awaken your telomeres, they also bring back your six pack.
– Heart-opening Innovasanas
Backbends are healing in so many ways. They lift your mood, promote your digestion, raise your energy levels and open your heart to embrace change. Let’s arch!
– Relaxing Innovasanas
Here there is no pressure to do anything, and no urge to go anywhere. Just the inner need to wind down.