Weight Loss Yoga Routine: Slim Fit (open level)

This Yogea routine is designed like an interval training – alternating power flows that raise up the heart rate with isometric resistance training that burns fat cells and dynamic stretching that elongates ligaments and tendons. A fluid warm up fires up the arm and leg muscles while lubricating the joints. Standing poses couple with ingenious arm binds to open up the shoulders. Powerful weight-shifts from feet to hands, from arms to legs help build the internal musculature – toning and shaping the body. Reclining back bends massage the belly muscles and stimulate metabolism. Modified twists and hip openers rinse toxins out and jump-start all bodily systems. Supine poses alternate with abdominal toners to stretch and condition the side of the body and waist. Soothing forward bends cool the body’s temperature and calm the nervous system to balance the hormones. A rejuvenating relaxation takes you in a place of a healthy mind and good spirit and leaves your body purified and lighter.

Performed by our inspiring dance educator and choreographer Valentina Priolo.

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