Weight Loss Yoga: Body Carve (open level)

This weight loss Yoga routine combines the muscle-sculpting, core-firming benefits of Pilates with the strength and flexibility advantages of yoga. Core toning swirls in forearm plank zip up the core, shrink the waistline and carve the silhouette. A combination of reclining poses, forward and back bends increase the flexibility, strength and mobility of muscles and joints. Supine bridge variations tone the pelvic floor and the gluteus. Gentle inversions promote blood circulation and stimulate the lymphatic system. Forward-leaning hip and shoulder openers relieve effects associated with insomnia, depression, nervousness and stress. The brief relaxation helps gain focus and clarity, while the closing meditation elicits emotional stability and peace of mind. The sequence encourages you to burn fat through a low-impact workout that leaves your body looking long, lean, and incredibly defined.

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