Weight-loss & Fat Burning Yoga Routine: Slender Curves (beginners level)

This Yogea routine based on resistance stretching and isometric contractions helps burn excess fat in your body – keeping you slender and fit. Side plank twists help you tone the oblique abdominals and rev up your digestion. Standing shoulder openers alternate with balancing scales to promote stamina and strength. Reclining hip-openers pulse through deep abdominal contractions and lateral twists to tone the abs and trim your waist-line. Arm-balancing lifts and intercostal twists pair with one-legged perched twists to further stabilize the core and stimulate the production of “leptin” – the fat burning hormone. Alternating between squats and metatarsal lifts help you shed excess. A series of forearm planks and twisted lateral vaults cement your abs while keeping them supple and toned. The routine winds down with poses to firm up and then release the belly. A soothing forward followed by a nourishing relaxation cools you down and Zens you out.

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