UnBox your yoga practice with Yogea’s full-length videos

Download 9 prenatal yoga videos or select your level from our well-rounded video classes

Based on numerous users’ requests for longer targeted routines and DVD’s Yogea has created a special section of Full-length Videos that you can download instantly on your home devise. In an effort to reduce environmental waste Yogea is currently reluctant to produce DVD’s.

The full-length videos include single theme-based and live-narrated extended routines for beginners, intermediate and advanced; as well as a nine video prenatal yoga series carefully tailored by trimesters.

The single classes are well rounded and utilize breathing, asana, mudra and creative visualization to promote total wellness. Students are introduced into the singular Yogea flow as they learn to transition smoothly, and play with levels, angles and multiple directions. They are inspired to try out new poses, binds and twists as they master the art of compound stretching and adopt an integral mindset. Students safely tune to the different stages of a yoga class: attunement, breathing, warm-up, middle section, culmination wind down and relaxation. Routines leave students mentally nurtured and physically energized.



The prenatal Yogea “Nurturing Life” Series is an unprecedented, live narrated series containing nine videos especially geared towards the needs of moms-to-be through all trimesters. Each trimester offers three separate videos and integrates breathing, meditation, mudra and asana to nurture each stage of pregnancy.


The Breathing opens up the energetic body, regulates the organs, promotes circulation and hormonal balance and opens up ample space for baby’s growth.

The Meditation combines mudra with creative visualization and guides moms to acknowledge and accept all the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual changes that accompany every trimester.

The Asana routine, complying with validated prenatal yoga standards is geared to the needs of every trimester, and blends useful breathing tools, empowering mudras, safe but energizing asana and an exhilarating meditation.

All practices are beautifully woven to give you a vital boost, mental poise and humble appreciation of the art of art of yoga around the world.

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