Prenatal Yoga Routine: Gift Of Life (1st Trimester)

This is the first of a series of three Yogea sequences that address the needs of expecting moms for each trimester. “Gift of Life 1” will glide you smoothly into the needs of your first trimester. You will be celebrating the physical, hormonal and emotional changes in your body through deep breathing, standing poses, hip hinges, supported lunges, groin openers. A blend of semi-inversions, straddle poses and spacious forward bends and gluteus extensors will help fine tune your balance; build strength and suppleness; calm the nervous system and boost immunity. Safe chest openers will promote circulation and relieve tension. Gentle abdominal breath work will prepare for labor and forge a healthy connection with your baby. You will be able to release any tension from your lower back, hips, chest, upper back, neck and shoulders by buoyant shifting through different levels, planes and angles and create a sense of inner logic to tap your wisdom and find what needs to be done. The alternative binds, supported twists and gentle inversions will create a well-rounded experience and tone the muscles and joints, ensuring hormonal balance for your entire endocrine system and keeping both you and baby healthy, stable and fit. The wide variety of poses and smooth transitions will keep your mind spacious and ready to explore the wonders of motherhood.

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