Seated Hip Openers (Deep Squat, Cone, Butterfly)

Welcome to the Seated Hip Opening series of Yogea Asana Lab. We will break down three seated hip openers: Deep Squat (Malasana), Cone (Upavista Konasana) & Butterfly (Bada Konasana).
The first pose is usually performed towards the end of the sequence before the winding down section. It is best assumed when both heels are anchored into the floor, when the lower back is straight and the shoulders are released away from the ears. If the heels cannot fully reach the ground you can place thin padding under the heels, so you have stability, or you can open the stance wider. Make sure to splay the knees open, so they are in line with the shins and feet which are pointing out. Once you find the deep squat place your hands into prayer at the center of the heart and press the elbows into the inner thighs and knees, while finding more length through the lower back and the sides of the waist. In the deep squat variation thread your hands through the inner thighs and around the outer ankles to get a deltoid stretch and more spinal elongation. Feel the oppositional pull of the upward and downward forces that hold you together. This pose and its variations are hip openers, spinal lengtheners, arm & shoulder stretches. It facilitates release and aids the process of digestion and elimination. Because of the yielding to gravity that the pose cultivates it is ideal in alleviating menstrual cramps and for stimulating female fertility. It is also a very centering and grounding pose that brings inner focus and integrity.
The second pose is a balancing hip opener, a hamstring stretcher and an abdominal toner. Cone pose in a boat variation requires an ample hip rotation, strong core and a subtle ability to balance and integrate. It is best assumed from butterfly, as you yogic toe lock both big toes with the pointer and the middle fingers. Once you have sufficient spinal elongation you can work towards stretching the knees out and raising the legs as high as possible. And eventually, when you loosen up the hip flexors you can work towards splaying the legs open in a superman “V” shape, while drawing the shoulders away from the ears. Its seated variation requires supple hamstrings, hip flexors and an erect spine. As you go for the forward bend it is vital to keep the sit bones glued to the floor as much as possible. As you fully seal your chest into the floor you are still encouraged to press the sit bones further into the floor and to emphasize the spinal elongation, while keeping the collarbones wide and open and the shoulders away from the ears. This pose opens the hips and promotes circulation in the lower abdominal cavity, and as a result stimulates the intestines and sooths the gastrointestinal tract, helping boost the body’s natural alkalinity. As the yogic-toe lock is maintained the two main meridians of the body are opened and the energetic flow is unleashed. The first variation of the pose is balancing, the second is grounding and the third is calming and enhances introspection and sweet surrender.
The third pose resembles a seated butterfly, and it is actually named after it. In the primary variation it is important to come into it through staff or stick pose, and make sure that your sit bones are firmly planted into the floor. Once the foundation is established and the spine is erect you can work towards bending the knees without compromising the length of the spine. As you let the soles kiss keep on dragging the heels into the groin, while lengthening the back further. Once you have mobility in the hips and the buoyancy in the pelvis and lower back you can start hinging forward and resisting the tendency of the hips to hike up from the floor. The final variation of the pose requires very flexible hip flexors and can be attained gradually by practicing different types of standing, reclining, sitting, and inverted hip openers. The pose is both anchoring and uplifting; soothing and energizing. Because is a forward bend it is best suited either at the beginning of class as a warm up or at the end of the class as a way to deepen the focus in. It releases emotional residue from the hips while stimulating the reproductive organs and promoting the blood flow in the lower abdomen. It is ideal to relieve hip tension at night and aids the process of release and letting go. Energetically, it helps you tune in and retrieve your soul purpose.

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