Heart-opening Yoga Flow Routine: Nurture Compassion (open level)

Designed and demonstrated by Yogea Artflow & Yoga Alliance certified teacher Xana Villan Rueda.

This is a dynamic Yogea sequence of chest and shoulder openers that flows unimpeded and allows you to integrate conscious breath with fluid motion. The poses are held briefly and the art of smooth transitioning is emphasized. A short ujaiic breathing meditation opens the sequence to ground you into the core and promote the flow to your heart. The shoulders and the neck are then semi-circled to open the torso and prepare the thoracic spine for safe back-bending. The flow progresses into a “breath-in motion” warm up to stretch the hamstrings, lubricate the joints, nurture the ligaments and pave way for alternating shoulder openers and back arches. The poses pulsate from foreword to back bends; from hip and IT band openers to adductor lengthening; from external rotation to internal rotation; from weight shifting to plane switching in an attempt to enhance the qualities of yielding and offering. The coherent pose-counter-pose design, coupled with useful breathing tools teaches you to receive and accept equally. Special inversions follow that help you redefine your relationship to gravity and allow you to promote circulation by stimulating the cardiovascular system. In the end a brief meditation circles you back into your pool of abundance and availability, paving your way to loving-kindness and grace.
Designed and demonstrated by Yogea Artflow & Yoga Alliance certified teacher Xana Villan Rueda.

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