Detox Yoga Routine Part 2: Unearth & Renew (open level)

Detox Yoga Routine Part 2: Unearth & Renew (open level)
This Yogea sequence focuses on deep twists, forward bends and inversions in an attempt to release negativity from any part of the body and detoxify the physical as well as the mental sheaths. Modified standing poses provide centeredness and rootedness and establish a firm base on which to build a prevalently twisting sequence. A gentle, moderately paced warm up prepares the body for the cleansing action of torsial rotation, extension and flexion. The emphasis goes to the elongation of the spine and the stretching of the hip flexors and long ligaments to provide a sense of suppleness and surrender. Inversions, back bends, forward bends, and subtle core work alternate to offer a well-rounded cartilage lubricating and glandular stimulating experience that stresses the body’s rinsing action of flushing toxins out from the lower abdominal cavity. Due to this oppositional pull the intervertebral discs are juiced up and special space is created to extend the spine further and free the neck to float atop. The middle section culminates in the introduction of reclining and seated bound twists that boost digestion and elimination. A slower-paced winding down series allows practitioners to land back into their creative awareness and transform any negative emotion into positive intention. A brief reclining butterfly meditation leads students back into reclaiming their true essence, as they emerge from the dark recesses of their subconscious self with optimism and renewed awareness. This open detox flow is the second of a series of three purifying routines that can be practiced sequentially or independently from one another.

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